The Psych 100 Final Review composed by Double D GENERAL THEORETICAL PERSPECTUVES Psychology the scientific behavior of thought and behavior Sociobiological Theory Our behavior is based on survival of the fittest at one point this behavior was advantageous for us Sociocultural Theory Our desire to fit in with our culture shapes our behavior Learning Theory our consequences punishment reward shape why we behave in certain ways Social Cognitive theory our behavior is shaped by our motivations cognitions etc RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Naturalistic Observation you observe without knowledge of the subject Structured Observation they know you re observing them in a laboratory setting Self Report you ask them questions about themselves Controlled Experiment you test one variable with controlled groups etc Longitudinal study over time Cross sectional study of different age groups Case Study reveals something about a particular group of people serial killers etc Archival do research on something that there s already research on Correlation and causation just because something correlates doesn t mean one caused the other RANDOM ASSIGNMENT Positive correlation as one goes up the other goes up Negative correlation as one goes up the other goes down Independent what we control Dependent variable were measuring depends on the independent Eternal validity does this stay true outside of the laboratory setting Probability sampling the entire population is eligible to be in the sample Convenience sampling you only get participants that are available to participate Doesn t represent an entire population Random assignment creates assumed to be equal groups in every way shape and form Conceptual variable is a variable that relates to a concept such as smiling indicates if someone thinks someone is attractive Random sampling assigns groups cant assign for every variable Random assignment equal groups BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOLOGY Stimulus the provocation that entices a behavior Classical conditioning cause an uncontrolled stimulus to become a controlled stimulus Pavlov NS bell UCS food UCR drool CS bell CR droll Stimulus generalization everything that sounds like a bell cause the response Stimulus discrimination can differentiate between two similar stimuli Erase undesired association Counter conditioning replaces the bad response with a good one Systematic desensitization slowly desensitizes the person small steps Flooding a lot of the stimuli in a controlled safe environment Positive reinforcement add something good Negative reinforcement take away something bad Positive punishment at something bad Negative punishment take away something good Primary reinforce something good that you didn t have to learn food Secondary reinforce something learned to be good money Shaping slowly training someone using generalization Superstitious behaviors behaviors one believes to be true but aren t actually the cause switch off my ravens jerseys every day Skinners interpretation COGNITION INTELLIGENCE MEMORY motivation determines allocation our brain hears everything but only gives us what it feels is important heuristics 3 availability heuristic the more we hear about something the more we think it happens representative heuristic stereotypes confirmation bias we tend to search for information that enhances what we already believe maintenance and elaborative rehearsal method of loci use a path and elaborately rehearse so you remember a list of things and the order primacy effect remember things at the beginning interference recency effect remember things at the end decay state dependent memory you remember better if you are in the same state that you learned the information encoding what your brain physically processes storage put into your stm or ltm retrieval when you go back and take it out of your stm or ltm theory of mind as a child about the box thing or the mountain thing chimpanzee you have a good person and an evil person The good person shares the food the bad person takes it all for himself You ask the chimp where the food is if he lies that means that he understands that the evil person has a different perception of what s going on Accessibility three things that make it more accessible recency of something happening emotion how often you think of it things that effect elaborate rehearsal the options were decay encoding emotion how often its used BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS pre synaptic neurons if the presynaptic n is inhibitory the post n is less lkeley to fire if the pre n is excitatory post n is more likely to fire threshold the minimum amount of stimulation required to cause a neuron to fire absolute relative refractory period absolute relative needs more stimulation than before to fire cannot fire nervous system autonomic automatic movements breathing smooth muscles central brain and spine parasympathetic paralyzed NOT fight or flight peripheral made up of two parts somatic and autonomic somatic voluntary movements sensory sympathetic fight or flight homunculus a man that has his proportions regulated by how much area of your somata sensory cortex is dedicated to that particular body part SENSATION AND PERCEPTION Sensation everything you sense at a particular moment see hear feel taste smell Perception what you choose to pay attention to Top down processing you see something and your brain tries to put it into context and make sense of it Bottom up processing you see blobs that mean nothing its what you actually see Monocular depth cues name either 1 monocular 1 binocular Or 2 of one section Interposition whats in front is closer to you Relative Height closer to the horizon is further away Familiar Size you recognize what the normal size of something in and use it to compare Texture Gradient you see texture in things closer up Motion Parallax things closer to you move faster than things far away Shadow if a shadow is on something its further away thing the thing Linear Perspective things go along the line of linear perspective starts producing the shadow wider and gets thinner Accommodation your eye changes shape when focusing Binocular depth cues Conversion your eyes converge when something is close Binocular Disparity your eyes see two slightly different things 3d movies they are shot form two different cameras that replicate your eyes They put the two shots together and each lens of the glasses you wear filter out the image youre not supposed to see so when you put them together it creates an image that resembles
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