EDHD STUDY GUIDE TEST 1 Brofenbrenners Ecological Model Chronosystem o Microsystems how a child is directly impacted 1 Family 2 Child care schools 3 Peers 4 Media 5 Community 1 School board 2 Parents work 3 Community board 4 Federal state commissions 5 Social services o Macrosystems aspects of a child life 1 Religion 2 Culture ethnic 3 Technology sciences 4 Political ideology 5 Economics o Mesosystems interrelationship between Microsystems home schooling o Exosystems how a child is indirectly impacted 2 aspects of the chronosystem o How systems change over the course of history o How systems changes in an individuals life span Socialization o Reciprocal how others perceive you 2 way interaction gender roles o Dynamic self esteem how your parents raised you one way interaction THEORY Developmental theory o Makes facts meaningful o Testable o Reduce complexity o Why and how change occurs Scientific Worthiness how well does the theory adhere to science values can it be measured and observed does it accurately describe development evaluates Developmental Adequacy how well does the theory explain what changes occur in development time span is there development taking place Pedagogical Usefulness can the theory be used to influence development easy to understand apply to many applications guidance to working with children help motivate children in the classroom ATTACHMENT Instinctive drive to seek and maintain proximity Social not biological Crying reaching out or crawling to a certain attached person Strange situation Mary Ainsworth to see how child would react to caretaker when removed or returned to situation Types of attachments caretaker upon being reunited when caretaker returns o Secure exhibit stress when separated but quickly recover following reunion with o Insecure Avoidant little interest in caretaker does not seek contact with caretaker o Insecure Ambivalent extreme distress when separated very difficult to soothe o Secure positive relationship as a child sense of competence o Insecure disruptive behavior problems sense of mistrust towards the world B F Skinner and Operant Conditioning Not an automatic response to a behvior Behaviors are emitted to produce a consequence o Types of Reinforcement Positive punishment Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement receiving something good chores being relieved of something unpleasant picking up a child to stop them from crying Adam takes Advil to relieve his headaches something bad and parents add a chore spanking Andreas phone rings in class so her teachers give her extra work having something good taken away do bad on a test cell phone taken away every time Maddie hits her little brother she losses TV time being subjected to something unpleasant do Negative punishment Positive adds something Negative takes something away Punishment decreases the chance of behavior reinforcement makes it occur again o Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous after every x behavior for each 5 books a student reads she every time a behavior occurs during potty training toddler after every period of x time every week a boy receives receives praise each time he uses the toilet learned most quickly Fixed ratio gets a prize Fixed interval allowance for doing his chores given a sticker every week for doing homework Variable ratio swing a bat before she hits the ball frequent behaviors respond to crying child after letting her fuss for a little teacher unpredictably walks around classroom to make sure kids aren t on Facebook steady rate of behavior no systematic pattern to administering reinforcement after every period of on average x times parents Variable interval on average after x behaviors number of times a child must Random SOCIAL LEARNING Triadic Reciprocal o Observed Behavior What is required complexity duration skill o Cognition Personal Factor Acquired concepts and beliefs Motives and intention Personality o Environmental factors Situational characteristics Model characteristics and roles Model observer relationships o Financial factors aren t part of the triadic reciprocal o Environmental factor how similar model is to the viewer o Fortuitous determinant an influential chance event o Albert Bandura Boo Boo Doll retention is to encode a behavior o Social Cognitive Theory the performance phase includes retention process Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development Theory o Organization tendency to interrelate order and arrange elements of person experience o Adaption process of adjusting understanding of the world o Assimilation incorporating new experiences into current understand of the world o Accommodation adjusting current understand to adapt to new information o Biological Maturation Brain development Necessary but not sufficient o Experience Physical behavior Perceptual sensations figurative knowledge Logico mathematical coordination of actions on objects operative knowledge o Social Transmission o Equilibration Social facts names for objects how to count rules Cooperation with others Reconciles conflicts that result internally or externally Existing concepts and new external objects Relationships between concepts Relationships between concepts and the broader structure they are apart of 1 Sensorimotor birth to 2 Emphasis on action knowledge Own actions Objects around them Relationship between their actions and objects Object permanence Begin to develop mental representations of their experiences objects continue to exists even when they exist out of sight 2 Preoperational 2 to 7 or 8 Emphasis on developing mental actions Mentally representing and manipulating actions Directing actions by anticipation and coordination Limited field of attention focus on only one aspect of a situation difficulty thinking from others perspectives Lauren a 5 year old does not understand why knocking down another child s blocks is wrong Lauren is experiencing 1 Egocentrism 3 Concrete Operational 8 to adolescence Emphasis on cognitive operations and mental representation of concrete objects Able to perceive things as reversible and to think about multiple aspects simultaneously Develop an understanding of conservation groups can be added to or form broader categories or Logical classification broken down into more specific categories Logical relationships and number concepts 4 Formal Operational 12 14 years and up Emphasis on abstract higher order operations Able to form hypotheses and deduce logical implications consider logical Able to think about complex events
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