The rise of corporate capitalism had effects throughout the nation Write an essay in which you discuss those effects for various groups in American society the captains of industry the laborers the farmers immigrants African Americans women and children Use at least six primary source documents to make your case Suggested sources Carnegie Wealth Preamble to the Constitution of the Knights of Labor Leonora Barry Organizing Women Workers Testimony of Gompers O Donnell Women as Breadwinners Hubert The Business of a Factory Debs Outlook for Socialism Grady The New South Augustus Straker The New South Investigated Chinese Exclusion Act Populist Party Platform William Jennings Bryan s Cross of Gold speech Tillman s speech to the Senate Roosevelt Corollary Capitalism Private ownership of capital goods and the means of production with the creation of good and services for profit Rise of big businesses came along with the abolishment of slavery Government doesn t regulate business The captains of Industry Andrew Carnegie Waste of time to criticize the past Man is responsible for being charitable 3 modes of wealth family of the descendent the public throughout your life Survival of the fittest social Darwinism Free enterprise Scottish immigrant who worked his way up and earned everything he got The Laborers Preamble of the Constitution of the Knights of Labor Skilled and unskilled workers women and African Americans Replace the wage system of competitive free enterprise Create more leisure and social advantage for them Against Carnegies free enterprise system Share wealth equal pay 8 hour work days Outlook for Socialism Socialism is associated with anarchy to pollute the fair free soil of American Working class is struggling to make money Shun Republicans and Democrats because they are arguing about things that will never affect the working class Asking for fair wages and good working conditions The Farmers Populists Party Direct democracy The Immigrants Chinese Exclusion Act African Americans The New South Farmers folks They want to government to take control over big industries lower government surplus higher inflation pensions for ex soldiers Equal finance transportation standing army maintained income tax union of labor that will stay and be permanent 1882 suspended all Chinese Immigration and declared them ineligible for citizenship Penalties are they are removed from the country be imprisoned servants to others People who supported this were Nativities skilled and unskilled labors who feared competition of minors Negro are people who are mistreated and should now share with the whites Old south is slavery new south is democracy Slavery stopped the south from being successful The New South Investigated Questioning everything that is suppose to be the new south Capitalism is for the rich whites which is unfair Use race and define it as class Women Realistic and upfront about blacks Women laborers faced discrimination in hiring and in pay Women were paid a significant less then man Easily manipulated so they were fired easier Organizing Women Workers Give more rights to the working women Different cases of how men are paid more then women Women faced starvation freezing damp clothes Women rebelled easily and were more easily fired Women as Bread Winners Men are paid more and can work whenever Women labor is cheap and can be easily manipulated Strip woman of their womanhood to come work in the factory Unsex them Children 10 hours a day in the work force Unsanitary working conditions Low value of child labor made if much easier to hire children to work in the factories at such a low cost Social Darwinism Knights of Labor skilled and unskilled laborers 1886 AFL skilled laborers Samuel Gompers increasing wages improving working conditions Great railroad strike of 1877 10 pay cut of railroad workers Haymarket Square someone threw a bomb into a meeting IWW Wobblies won a difficult strike battle in the textile mills call for work stoppage Capitalism had a huge effect on the working class and those people trying to make a name for themselves in the business world affecting
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