Terms Key Concepts 1 Populist Party or People s Party or William Jennings Bryan or Cross of Gold Election 0f 1892 National convention of peoples party in Nebraska Plan of unlimited coinage of silver Control of railroads Eight hour work day Most successful third party in the US Fought for the farmers Mary E Reese William Jennings Bryan delivered the Cross of Gold speech supported bimetallism or free silver binding the nation together as one opposed the gold standard For the Record Populist party platform of 1892 the government should take control over the big industries with a direct democracy pension for ex soldiers 2 Gospel of Wealth or Andrew Carnegie or Homestead Steel Strike Describes the role of the wealthy as those who make it possible to rise to poverty from the deserving poor Developed military telegraph system Steel making power of industrial capitalism Distribution of wealth Free enterprise system Home stead steel strike dispute between steel makers and craft union workers On Carnegies home stead mill For the Record Andrew Carnegies From Wealth 1889 pg 19 how wealth is spread out help those who help themselves 3 modes of wealth families of decedents for the public administered during someone s life 3 Freedmen s Bureau Newly freed slaves that weren t granted citizenship until the 14th amendment Freed slaves must be free to choose their own employers and be paid for their was ratified 1865 labor Schools public places and social aid for African Americans For the Record The late convention of colored men pg 3 4 Black Codes 1865 1867 Re enslavement through state law defining freely blacked slaves Passed after civil war to limit the civil rights and civil liberties of freedmen Aimed to keep a steady supply of cheap and social inferiority of blacks For the Record Black Codes of Mississippi Restricted blacks in 1865 from their freedom of African Americans and owning property marriage or voting 5 Charles Chesnutt The Wife of His Youth 6 1893 World s Fair Chicago world fair to express the Columbian exposition American industrialism 7 Frederick Jackson Turner or Significance of the Frontier in American History Frontier Thesis arguing the constant movement was what allowed the US to develop a unique and no longer European character Guided many scholars in understand American History Frontier had closed Peaceful settlement of Indians 8 Buffalo Bill Cody 9 Coxey s Army World traveling wild west stage show Different narrative of westward expansion then Turner where it was violent A group of unemployed who marched to Washington DC in the depression year of 1894 about 500 men Led by Jacob S Coxey Left Ohio March 24 1894 with about 100 men then arrived in DC May 1 with Hoped to persuade congress to authorize programs for public work financed by substantial increase in money circulation to provide jobs for the unemployed No impact on public policy and some people were arrested 10 Helen Hunt Jackson Activist for Native American Rights Focused on Indians 11 Dawes Severalty Act 1887 Divided tribal lands which increased white plundering of Indian Land Act of congress intended to assist Native Americans Shifting contractual agreements of tribes with Indians giving them full internal Takes away a third of Indians land and disrespects their culture leading to jurisdiction downfall 12 Kagama v U S 1886 Indians wards of the nation The power of the general government over these remnants of a race once powerful now weak and diminished in number is necessary to their protection as well as to the safety of the citizens Government controls Indian affairs step further of the Dawes act 13 Exodusters African Americans were knows as Exodusters because they were searching to escape racism and poverty moved from south Carolina to Kansas 14 Little Big Horn or George Armstrong Custer 1876 Indians were outraged that whites came into their sacred lands in the Black Hills There were three columns to attack one was George Armstrong and one of Seventh Cavalry Custer divided his forces into 3 and hoped to strike Indian encampment before realizing the terrain he was dealing with Came to be known as Indian power achieved their greatest victory yet 15 Ghost Dance Movement or Wounded Knee A ceremonial dance at each new moon fed upon old legends to spread rapidly 16 U S v Cruikshank or Colfax Massacre Colfax led to Cruikshank Says that the 14th amendment doesn t give the federal government the power or authority to prosecute private parties Only applies to STATE action Easter Sunday 1873 in Louisiana Driven by political elections 17 Slaughter House Cases New Orleans Butchers Revolt Argues that the law reduces them to slavery and deprives them of their privileges or immunities without due process First Supreme Court interpretation of the 14th amendment 18 Thaddeus Stevens Radical Republican Leader and one of the most powerful members of the US House of Representatives Focused on civil rights reconstruction Proposed the impeachment of Andrew Johnson Drafting the 14th amendment and reconstruction of 1867 19 Ku Klux Klan 1865 20 Cr dit Mobilier Secret vigilante group founded by confederates for the promotion of white supremacy by murdering freedmen and white republican leaders For the Record Organization and Principles of KKK Thomas Durant chartered the company named Credit Mobilier of America to gain profits from railroad construction 1872 1873 Convinced building a railroad would be more profitable then owning one Stockholders sold and gave shares in construction to influential congressmen Corruption tainted Gilded age politics 21 Vertical Integration or Gustavus Swift The merging of companies that are within the chain of companies that handle a single item from raw material production to retail sail Own every part of the whole process Owner of a meat packing industry he had a refrigerator car designed 22 Corporation or Santa Clara v Southern Pacific The state of California taxes owned by Southern Pacific Railway Company but Southern Pacific asserted that the state constitution only allowed taxes on the southern pacific railroad Santa Clara argued that since it could tax the land it could tax the additional value of land owned by the railroads Outcome was that the state constitution required that state and its countries to separately asses the land before increasing taxes Equal protection laws provided by the 14th amendment 23 Enforcement Acts Criminal codes that protected blacks right to vote hold office serve on juries
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