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Chapter 1 Introduction Define psychology Define the following theories and use each to explain any given behavior e g why do humans shave Name and explain the five basic goals of psychology hair from their bodies Why do some humans bow when meeting other humans Why do humans apply makeup and scented liquid to their bodies Sociobiological Theory Sociocultural Theory Learning Theory Explain how sociobiology can be applied to explain differences in sexual behavior between males and Social Cognitive Theory females Describe Watson s study on learning fear and Bandura s study on learning aggression and explain how each provide evidence of learning theory Be able to identify and list different branches of psychology and what different psychologists do Be able to identify and list different occupations that utilize psychology but are not psychologists Know which kinds of jobs are likely to earn more money Know which kinds of jobs have a brighter outlook for future employment Chapter 2 Research Methods For each research method listed in Appendix A provide the definition and example and explain the advantages and disadvantages of that method Explain the difference between correlation and causation Give a clear example of the difference between positive and negative correlations and state the limitation of what we can conclude from correlational findings Explain how two variables can be spuriously correlated Define and provide examples of a curvilinear correlation Describe and provide clear examples of curvilinear relationships Identify the independent variable IV and dependent variable DV of an experiment Define the term external validity Describe the difference between probability and convenience sampling Explain the importance of random assignment in reaching causal conclusions Be sure you can Explain exactly what research bias random assignment Provide an example of how a confounding variable might cause differences on the DV Explain how random assignment creates groups of participants that can be compared to each other without having to worry about these confounding variables Explain how specific aspects of the research design can prevent selection biases placebo effects demand characteristics the Rosenthal Effect and social desirability from influencing the results Provide several examples of how a conceptual variable in psychology is operationalized for measurement Define external validity as it relates to the difference between a population and a research sample Explain the difference between random sampling and random assignment Name and describe the five general ethical principles outlined by the APA Chapter 3 Behavioral Psychology Define the term stimulus Define classical conditioning and describe Pavlov s experiment Use an example like Watson s study with Little Albert or the use of bees to detect explosives to define the acronyms in a classically conditioned association NS UCS UCR CS CR Explain the Garcia Effect and how researchers Nicolaus et al 1983 used the concept to protect chicken eggs from crows Define stimulus generalization and discrimination and give original examples of each Explain and provide an example of how we can erase an undesired association through Define Thorndike s Law of Effect and explain how he studied learning Counter conditioning Systematic desensitization Flooding Provide clear examples of how behavior can be altered by Provide examples of primary and secondary reinforcers and punishers that influence your behavior Positive reinforcement Positive punishment Negative reinforcement Negative punishment Explain why secondary reinforcers are helpful in shaping behavior Define and provide clear examples of various schedules of reinforcement Explain why variable schedules are generally more powerful than fixed schedules and more resistant to Continuous reinforcement Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable Interval Define shaping and explain how you would use the concept to train a cat to use a toilet instead of a extinction litter box Provide two reasons why punishment is not as effective as reinforcement Provide a couple original examples of superstitious behaviors you ve seen in animals your friends or you and explain why we might have these superstitious behaviors according to Skinner Explain the process of extinction and why we sometime see a spontaneous recovery Describe the concept of learned helplessness and explain the study that demonstrated how depression can be learned in dogs Chapter 4 Cognition Intelligence Memory Distinguish between controlled and automatic processes explain their limitations and provide examples of each Define and describe cognitive load and the effect it has on information processing Explain the procedure of the task in what is known as the Stroop Effect Discuss what is meant by the phrase motivation determines allocation and use a personal example of the cocktail effect as a clear example Explain the three heuristics you read about and the advantages and disadvantages of using them to make judgments Further explain the confirmation bias from A sociobiological perspective A social cognitive perspective A Sociocultural perspective Define metacognition and explain why it is central to higher intelligence Define comparative cognition What is the g factor How might that be scored with a test Name define and provide an example of each of the eight intelligences theorized by Garner Describe the importance of emotional intelligence both in your own life and to business environments Explain memory in terms of the three processes necessary to remember something Distinguish between maintenance and elaborative rehearsal and explain why elaborative rehearsal is an effective study technique Define the method of loci for remembering ordered lists and explain how this is really just a special application of the elaborative rehearsal concept Explain the difference between declarative and procedural memories Define primacy and recency effects in memory Define and describe the capacity of sensory short term and long term memory Provide clear examples of state dependent memory Define and provide examples of scripts schemas and stereotypes Explain priming Discuss some specific ways you will study for our first exam using what we ve learned about memory to increase encoding storage and retrieval Distinguish between the four different theories on why you might forget something Name and describe the difference between the two

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UMD PSYC 100 - Chapter 1 - Introduction

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