PSYC100 1001 Behaviorism extreme nurture component Environmentalism learning research was directed at finding the basic principles underlying all learning Watson s environmentalist approach influenced his approach to child rearing which was very harsh Published in 1928 Classical Conditioning involves formation of an association between twp stimuli conditioned and unconditioned Example Pavlov s Dog Experiment relationship was reflexive automatic did not require any learning Little Albert and conditioned fear Watson John Garcia showed that certain CS can become CR for some unconditioned stimuli and conditioned stimuli but not others 1968 New Cs flavor of food UCS electric shock UCR Stop Eating Pairing was not possible CS flavor of food New UCS x rays UCR stop eating Pairing was possible CS size of food UCS x rays UCR stop eating Pairing not possible Garcia and Koelling 1966 CS bright noisy and tasty water UCS Two groups of rats gets either x rays or poison to make them sick The other half got electric shocks Nausea vs electric shocks What aspects of the warning stimulus will become adversive Straight behaviorist would say it doesn t matter but as demonstrated by prev study it does Gave rats separate ops to drink water bright noisy Just tasty Rats that got shock only avoided bright noisy Rats that got sick avoided tasty water Problems for Behaviorism 1 one trial learning 2 3 Only some aspects of the warning stimulus became effective CS long CS UCS interval
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