Memory 3 banks of knowledge Maintaing information it was in there for a while and you used to Sensory memory unlimited capacity 2 4 seconds Short term memory 7 2 chunks of information goes together Encoding information getting the information into your head Recalling information when its in there somewhere and you cant Long term memory unlimited unlimited duration get it out be able to recall it but now you cant anymore in a certain meaningful way 30 seconds to a couple of minutes elaborative rehearsal LTM new stuff Environment stimuli sensory memory attention STM Or LTM retrieval maintenance rehearsal STM STM information retrieval working memory two ways to actually get answers maintenance rehearsal EX UCS memorize it quickly and repeat a couple of times Actually memorize it through elaborative rehearsal Environemental stimuli everything anything that you can sense STM is the most important thing anything that you are using Information retrieval getting out our your memory and into real life use using the info Ex answer a Q say something Elaborative rehearsal getting things into long term memory Retrieval you have to get it back to the short term memory EX short term memory your desk only working with the files on your desk o Long term memory file cabinet What can you do to really use the information Mnemonic devices o Chunking putting into meaningful chunks o Method of loci example of locations of path that you take or locations that you know really well Comparative cognition Theory of Mind General cognition Comparing humans to non humans Compare non humans ability to reason comparing to human s Theory of Mind Means that you have the ability to understand that other people think for themselves and have their own perspective mind o Ex you say that Sally will look in the basket Kids don t usually have the theory of mind called low order ability species o Ex test with chimpanzee test with deception If animal or person can lie to someone else then they have theory of mind In order to lie than you have to know that someone else has a different perspective have a different amount of knowledge and hide it from them Chimpanzees have a theory of mind
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