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Psychology Midterm II 11 11 10 LEARNING Habituation a decrease in the strength of response to a repeated stimulus organisms learn not to respond to familiar stimuli so they can conserve energy and attend to more important stimuli Learning is measure by changes in performance Classical Conditioning an organism learns to associate two stimuli e g a song and a pleasant event such that one stimulus the song comes to elicit a response feeling happy that originally was elicited only by the other stimulus the pleasant event A Ivan Pavlov and his dog Russian late 1800s To study digestion Pavlov presented food to dogs and measured their salivary response He noticed that with repeated testing the dogs began to salivate before the food was presented Ring bell dogs would salivate B Phobias Classical conditioning plays role in phobias Intense fear completely incapacitate when come into contact with object i e dad tells daughter that they ll die on bridge after a few weeks daughter afraid without him saying anything Sexually aroused by a certain object i e shoes underwear Classical conditioning plays part i e underwear on lampshade orgasm so next time look for underwear for same feeling Neutral stimulus shoes underwear turns into conditioned stimulus with Heavy use of classical conditioning Pairing stimulus that produces UCR with product i e girl in bikini and Physiological release of pleasure UCR occurs when seeing product so likely to feel good when seeing product in store and buy it Celebrity advertising successful ppl CS turns into UCS after a long time second order conditioning i e not naturally attractive but with time it becomes second nature Unconditioned stimulus UCS and response UCR unlearned Know how to do this naturally organism hardwired to do this i e UCS food UCR salivation Conditioned stimulus CS and response CR learned i e CS bell CR salivation C Fetishism time D Advertising beer E Acquisition UCS must be paired multiple times with CS to establish a strong CR White ceilings should make you think of sex but you don t be too common Neutral stimulus to UCS needs to be novel unusual and intense Ways to classically condition Simultaneous conditioning CS and UCS happens at the same time Short delayed conditioning classic conditioning Most effective way to implement CS happens then UCS introduced and happening at same time Trace conditioning UCS with memory of CS F Extinction unlearning CS How Repeatedly present CS without UCS Ring bell without giving food over and over and dog will eventually stop salivating G Spontaneous Recovery Response comes back even after extinction but weaker Repeat extinction wait a few days then test and repeat this process until response completely gone Difficulty to eliminate depends on how strongly learned operant response will occur to one antecedent H Stimulus Discrimination stimulus but not another refined Feed dog originally don t know but learn noise of feeding even without food out yet like sound of cupboard opening They learn when cupboard opens for them or just in general I Stimulus Generalization or situation that is similar to the original one operant response occurs to a new antecedent stimulus opposite of discrimination Stimulus generalized to anything in kitchen Animal generalized to all kinds of bells even if only fed with one sound J Higher order Conditioning In classical conditioning a neutral stimulus becomes a CS after it is paired with another CS rather than with the original UCS i e black square before tone so square becomes CS and dog will salivate when seeing it a higher order CS produces a CR that is weaker and extinguishes more rapidly than the original CR The dog will salivate less to the black square than to the tone and its response to the square will extinguish sooner K John B Watson founder of behaviorism Behaviorists dominant movement during 1920s 1950s Data has to be objective Study behavior not thought cannot observe mental phenomenon so psych is noting about that only based on stimulus and responses Introduced the white lab rats Little Albert experiment with 11 month old baby Can Watson instill fear in baby using CC Albert plays with rat and has emotional connection to it already Rat CS for UCR Made loud sound UCS behind rat so now Albert afraid of rat Fear generalized to all white fuzzy things Don t know what happened to Albert Operant Conditioning type of learning in which behavior is influenced by the consequences that follow it Skinner helped found it Extremely powerful way of learning Operant conditioning how consequences of a behavior come to control that behavior Done in 2 ways reinforcement and punishment Usually used to train children and pets Law of effect in a given situation a response followed by a satisfying consequence will become more likely to occur whereas a response followed by an annoying consequence will become less likely to occur A Reinforcement Makes behavior more likely Two kinds Positive adding something a reward i e get candy when do something good Negative removing something unpleasant i e don t have to do chores if you take out the garbage stimuli such as food and water that an organism primary reinforcers naturally finds reinforcing because they satisfy biological needs properties through their association with primary reinforcers Secondary conditioned reinforcers stimuli that acquire reinforcing B Punishment Makes behavior less likely to happen Two kinds Positive add adverse stimulus i e hit someone so behavior is less likely to occur yelling Negative subtract something person likes i e grounded cant have phone or computer MUCH more common REINFORCEMENT PUNISHMENT POSITIVE Presentation increases behavior Presentation decreases behavior NEGATIVE Removal increases behavior Removal decreases behavior C Shaping reinforcing successive approximations toward a final response Slowly shape behavior Start with something person already does and reward it for small steps slowly i e pigeon and ping pong ball Skinner trained pigeons to work on an assembly line of ibuprofen to puck out the damaged bad looking ones trained by shaping D Extinction When behavior stops being reinforced it will extinguish over time occurrence of an operant behavior in response to a E Stimulus control discriminative stimulus Learn to exhibit behavior only when some other stimulus is present i e pigeon pecking button only when green light is on When you want something from your parents you wait until they re in the right mood

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