Top down processing Existing knowledge and expectations influences interpretation of sensory info o Higher cognition perception Sensory o What we see in the world can be affected by what we expect to see Monocular Depth Cues o Relative size Smaller Far away o Linear Perspective Converging lines Far away o Motion Parallax Slower objects Far away Binocular Depth Cues o Binocular disparity Use of the slightly different images from each eye o Convergence Eyes turn inward to view something close Have muscles in the eyes 2 27 12 Classical Conditioning passive organism EXAM 1 Scientific reasoning biopsychology sensation perception Not Conditioning Can a human emotional response be learned through classical conditioning John Watson Researcher at Johns Hopkins and Rosalee Reighner o Condition a sense of fear in little Albert o Conditioned Stimulus The white lab rat o Unconditioned Stimulus Loud bang behind Little Albert s head o Unconditioned Response Albert s fear caused by the noise o Conditioned Response Fear of the lab rat o Generalization of Fear Little Albert became afraid of anything fluffy hairy and white o Conclusion Fear can be classically conditioned Done well scientifically however since they did not decondition Little Albert the experiment remained infamous Explanation given for lack of deconditioning is because Albert s mother had moved away and they could not reach her However they used the time to demonstrate stronger evidence rather than deconditioning him Unethical behavior John Watson was previously known as a pig Engaged in an affair with the Chicago University s president s wife also had a sexual affair with his mentee Rosalee Reighnor belongs to one of the most highly regarded families in Baltimore Watson is having an affair with her o Watson s wife finds love letters that Rosalee had written to Watson o She gives the letters to the divorce court called the trial of the century o John Watson loses his job at Johns Hopkins and no other university would let him Marketing took up John Watson to classically condition consumers o Despite the fact that Watson had no morals it had nothing to do with how well his science had been done well or poorly Little Albert likely had Hydrocephalis water swelling on the brain This neurologically damaged patient may disprove Watson s work because Little Albert was not normally functioning Operant Conditioning BF Skinner Skinnerian Conditioning The organism the person living is active in the environment This interaction with the environment produces relationships with the environment Two types of Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Punishment There are positive and negative types of both Positive means you add something negative means you take something away o Reinforcement makes a behavior more likely to occur Positive reinforcement You do something your parents like your parents give you something that you like Sex is an extremely useful positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement You do something your parents like they take your chores away o Punishment makes a behavior less likely to occur Positive Punishment You do something your parents don t like Negative Punishment You do something your parents don t like they hit you Pain is added they don t let you go out Contingencies of Reinforcement or Punishment How often do you reinforce or punish someone based on their behavior SHAPING Procedure where you want the person to behave in a certain way so you gradually shape their behavior so it looks more and more like the behavior you want them to do o Skinner shaped pigeons to play ping pong The pigeon sized ping pong paddle is put in the cage When the pigeon pecks near the handle it is reinforced Next as it pecks on the handle it gets reinforced Next the pigeon is reinforced when the pigeon picks up the paddle Finally the ping pong ball has to hit the ping pong paddle in order to reinforce the pigeon with food 2 29 12 Operant Conditioning STIMULUS CONTROL When the presence of some stimulus controls some behavior The behavior is engaged when the other stimulus is present o Skinner box for the rats The rat is trained to press a lever Food will be given when the lever is pushed the rat learns to push the lever When the red light is on and the level is pushed no When the green light is on reinforcement comes when the lever is food reinforcement pushed o There will often be a signal between healthy couples that the woman tells the male to let him know she is more willing to have sex i e Clothes a certain phrase etc CONTINGENCIES OF REINFORCEMENT when you positively negatively reinforce something How often you reinforce something can distinguish certain responses o CONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT every time you do the behavior you get rewarded Behavior is easier to get rid of when the reinforcement stops o INTERMITTENT REINFORCEMENT some of the time you do the behavior you get rewarded Behaviors are much more difficult to eliminate if reinforcement stops Then you start asking how long you wait to reinforce As soon as the negative reinforcement occurs the escape behavior becomes more likely a dog jumping over a fence whenever a negative stimulus occurs They soon learn to avoid rather than escape AVOIDANCE ESCAPING 3 5 12 Operant Conditioning In avoidance the organism never experiences the bad stimulus To get rid of classical conditioning Present Conditioned Stimulus without the Unconditioned Stimulus repeatedly Avoidance behavior is not extinguished when the bad stimulus is not presented Mauer s two process theory When the light comes on fear anxiety is aroused in the dog simply by the light When the dog then jumps over the wall the dog feels safe because it escapes the shock To extinguish a conditioned response often fear a therapist will slowly introduce the fear to the patient Begin with imagination move to a picture Show reinforcement that the patient is doing well Then show a video with a bridge with people safely crossing it This is difficult because whenever the patient comes into contact with the thing they are afraid of the escape it rather than overcoming it The escaping is negative reinforcement Engaging in escape behavior can often lead to other consequences or problems Two Process situation As soon as the dog begins to accept the bad stimulus and an escape becomes available the dog will most likely continue to accept the pain Learned Helplessness When something is conditioned to accept a bad stimulus and an escape becomes available the
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