LEARNING Classical Conditioning Pavlov analyze saliva their mouths Unconditioned response certain way Hired everyone as long as they could do the science o Even Jews and women unheard of in Russia Had no interest in psychology did physiology o Studied digestion Pavlov wanted to know purpose of saliva so used his dog to chemically o Once repeated dogs would start to salivate before food was put in Response that does not have to be learned we are pre wired to react a o Ex blinking when someone blows in your eye o Dog salivating before having food in mouth Unconditioned stimulus food Conditioned response Reaction to something learned Conditioned stimulus o Previously neutral stimulus that comes to provoke a conditioned response In Pavlov case he started ringing a bell whenever he fed the dogs o Soon enough when he rang the bell the dog would salivate before food was put in mouth o Conditioned stimulus bell ringing In conditioned stimulus response unconditioned stimulus eventually becomes learned Neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus Phobias extreme fear reactions o Can develop through a process of classical conditioning o Dad tells stories of how scary the upcoming bridge will be Daughter develops phobia of bridges Neutral stimulus bridge paired with stimulus producing fear dads stories results in neutral stimulus becoming a conditioned stimulus to have a conditioned response fear of all bridges Bridge becomes conditioned stimulus for conditioned response of fear Fetishism can develop through classical conditioning o When you orgasm you may always look at underwear shoes on the floor Now when you look at neutral stimulus shoe underwear you pair it with unconditioned stimulus sex o Issue often you look at ceiling during orgasm so could this neutral stimulus give a response of sexual arousal No neutral stimulus must be unusual novel new or intense It must grab attention like underwear or bell ringing Timing issues Simultaneous conditioning o Conditioned neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus occur at same time Bell rings at same time you put food in dog s mouth Short Delay Conditioning o Conditioned neutral stimulus starts short amount of time goes by then unconditioned stimulus starts o MOST EFFECTIVE Trace Conditioning o Conditioned neutral stimulus starts then stops then a short amount of time goes by then the unconditioned stimulus starts Phases Acquisition Extinction o Nature of acquiring ability to respond to conditioned stimulus o Period in which a response is being learned o Extinguishing response from conditioned stimulus o Getting rid of what was learned in classical conditioning Present conditioned stimulus over and over without unconditioned stimulus Ex ring bell and don t feed dog o Spontaneous recovery Response comes back without further learning training Response was not fully extinguished Spontaneously recovered responses not as strong as original response Stimulus discrimination Occurs when organism first learns to respond to a stimulus situation Over time organism learns finer and finer degrees of stimulus discrimination o Ex at first when you feed your pet every time you go in the kitchen they will start to salivate However they ll eventually learn the times when you are actually going in to feed them Big factor time of day if you feed at same time every day they learn when to react and when not to Stimulus Generalization Stimulus similar to conditioned neutral stimulus will also elicit the conditioned response o Ex Pavlov s dogs would salivate to the sound of a piano key o Ex little albert afraid of all white haired things Little Albert Case conducted by Watson and Rayner Watson was professor at Chicago and JH Carried out infamous research about stimulus generalization Subject was an infant little Albert 11 months old o Wanted to see if classical conditioning could produce deep complex emotional responses in this case fear of an object o Wanted to see if they could turn positive stimulus white rat into a conditioned stimulus to elicit fear o Had to pair conditioned stimulus with unconditioned stimulus to induce fear o Held a metal pipe behind his head when they put rat on gurney they hit pipe with a hammer o Little Albert became extremely terrified of the rate very fast They later found that when they used a white bunny he was afraid When they gave him a Santa Claus mask he was also afraid Watson had curly white hair and Albert was scared of him o Watson and Rayner claimed they never kept promise to extinguish the fear response b c the mother moved away unexpectedly However mother told them she was leaving but they ignored her because if they extinguished the response they could not continue research Completely unethical their scientific research is not accountable due to the morality of how it was carried out o CS rat o UCR fear o CR fear neural stimulus rat UCS pipe noise Operant Conditioning Other major form of learning o Behavior is influenced by consequences that follow it Associated with behaviorist position Edward Thorndike Put cat in boxes and for cat to get out he had to pull a cord or move a lever some activity that cat is unlikely to do At first took a long time to get out because cat would find out randomly o However if you keep putting cat back it learns how to get out Law of effect o Positive reinforcement o Cat is more likely to do the activity cord lever if it is followed by reward getting out Reinforcement o Makes a behavior more likely to occur o Punishment makes behavior less likely to occur o Positive and negative versions DO NOT mean good and bad versions Negative reinforcement just takes away likeliness of an organism completing a behavior o Inconsistent punishment make subject very passive around punisher stops activity only around punisher Skinner Box Taught rats and pigeons to learn a specific response o They were put in skinner box and learned to peck disc on floor of box or press a lever o Reward food o One time food dispenser jammed so the rat began pressing the level in more rapid bursts Then less shorter bursts then stopped altogether o Found that only rewarding only some presses made rat press faster Most effective positive reinforcement is intermittent reinforcement not continuous o Produces behavior that is much more difficult to get rid of Extinguishing reinforced behaviors don t reinforce them o If learned through continuous reinforcement easy to eliminate o If learned through intermittent much harder to eliminate
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