Ovid Stories Zeus Io A young nymph that Zeus sees and his heart is filled so he rapes her She wouldn t stop running so Zeus covered the earth in darkness Hera suspects something so Zeus turns her into a cow to throw his wife off the scent Hera asks for the cow as a present and sets Argus to keep watch Zeus sends Mercury to kill Argus and she is eventually transformed into a nymph She has a son named Epaphus Semele Pregnant with Jupiter s child Juno Hera is angry and disguises herself as an old women and tells her to ask Jupiter to make love with her with all his power as a god She cannot withstand it and she dies Jupiter brings their song Bacchus to full term in his thigh Ganymede Young boy that Zeus falls in love with Zeus turns into an early and snatched him up and now he is Zeus wine pourer Europa Zeus turns himself into a bull and goes to the beach He heads straight for this girl the king s beautiful daughter Zeus acts friendly to her so she gets on his back and he races out to the open sea with her Demeter Rape of Persephone Hades abducted this girl and brought her to the underworld to be his bride and queen Her mother Demeter searches for Persephone and stops fulfilling her duties plants began dying Zeus is asked for her to be returned and he said as long as she hasn t eaten anything but she had eaten 7 pomegranate seeds 6 months in underworld each year Apollo Slaying of Python Apollo killed a monstrous serpent with his arrow Daphne Apollo is shot with two arrows The first causes him to fall in love with this lady and the second makes her run away She rejects Apollo and cries out to her father Zeus for help Zeus turns her into a laurel tree Apollo gropes the tree Phaethon He reaches the palace and heads straight for the sun The sun promises him anything he wants and Phaethon asks to drive the chariot of the sun for one day The Sun wants him to change his mind but he doesn t He almost completely destroys the Earth so Earth asks Zeus for help Zeus strikes him with a lightning bolt and kills him Marsyas He challenged Apollo to a pipe contest and lost Apollo ripped his skin off and as he suffered the Earth took the tears of his friends and made them the river named after him Hyacinth One of Apollo s favorites One day they were playing discus and Apollo s discus struck him in the head and killed him So Apollo made a flower named after him and named an annual feast in his honor Artemis Callisto One of Diana s Artemis followers Zeus fell in love with her when he saw her so he disguised himself as Diana Artemis and he approached her He raped her She bore a son Arcas and Hera was furious After she had Arcas Hera turned Callisto into a bear Arcas almost killed his mother but Zeus stopped him and made them constellations Great Bear and the Little Bear Niobe Wealthy women of Thebes mother of seven sons and seven daughters She thought she was greater than Latona mother of Apollo Artemis because she only had two children Out of anger Latona sent Apollo and Artemis to kill her seven sons Her husband committed suicide in his grief She still thought she was greater because she still had seven children Latona had Artemis finish the seven daughters off before turning her into stone and placing her statue on a nearby mountain Actaeon He is hunting and accidentally sees Artemis bathing so she turns him into a stag and he is quickly devoured by his own hunting dogs Atalanta She was told not to marry anyone but she said whoever could beat her in a race would be able to marry her Whoever didn t beat her would be killed Hippomenes wants to race her he throws 3 apples that he got from Venus Aphrodite to distract her and he wins the race He isn t grateful to Venus so she got revenge by making him and Atalanta have sex in Cybele s temple so she turned both of them into lions and but her on her chariot He was eventually killed Venus made him an anemone Athena Arachne She bragged that her weaving was better than Athena s goddess of crafts and so she took her up on the challenge First Athena appeared in a disguise as an old woman to warn her against challenging the gods Athena was mad that the girl s work was perfect and she beat the girl She tried to hang herself but Athena turned her into a spider Aphrodite Adonis Aphrodite fell in love with him Told him to stay away from any animal that doesn t run away from him He gets killed by a lion and turned into a flower Dionysus Pentheus Ruler of Thebes He didn t really like Dionysus As a punishment Dionysus hypnotized him into wearing women s clothing Convinced him that if he climbed in a tree he would see women engaged in sexual activity Instead he found his mothers and aunts who had been turned into Maenads and they mistook him for a wild animal and tore him apart Miscellaneous Pyramus Thisbe Neighbors and their homes were separated by a large brick wall They loved one another but they couldn t marry each other because of the father s so they talked to each other through a hole in the wall They planned to meet outside of Babylon but a lioness came and ripped her shawl off and it laid there bloody When he came he saw that and he killed himself with a sword Soon Thisbe came back and found him dead so she killed herself as well Their blood changed the color of the mulberry tree berries from white to burgundy Hermaphroditus Salmacis fell in love with him but he denied her He was swimming naked and she wrapped herself around him as he struggled to get away and the gods granted her wish The two fused into one being so he was now half man half woman Begged his parents to make any person who bathed in Salmacis pool to turn half man and half woman Pygmalion Galatea Pygmalion statue of a woman he wanted to be his wife so Aphrodite granted his wish Narcissus He wasn t allowed to see himself but one day he saw his own reflection in a pool of water and fell in love with it He fell into the water and died He became a flower Echo A nymph who fell in love with Zeus but she could not talk because he speech was only repetition She wrapped her arms around him but he pushed her away She ended up dying Midas He was granted one wish He asked for everything that he touched to turn to gold He repented his wish because even his food would …
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