MCB 450 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Ribosomal subunits II Initiation complex formation III Elongation IV Termination V Prokaryotic vs eukaryotic protein synthesis VI Synthesis of secreted proteins VII Regulation of protein synthesis VIII Mutations Outline of Current Lecture I Restriction Enzymes and their uses II Cloning a definition of plasmid b construction of a chimeric plasmid c transformation Current Lecture Peptide bond formation by peptidyl transferase Green amino acid which is at the A site will enter the P site Will attack the ester bond that attaches the blue amino acid to its tRNA and then that dipeptide remains attached to the green tRNA and is present at the P site EF G Mimics EF Tu tRNA EF Tu is the factor that delivers the tRNA to the A site An Active Ribosome Purple amino acid will move into the P site and attack the ester bond between the tRNA and the blue and green amino acids forming a tripeptide Translation Termination First picture the A site is free and P site is occupied RF releasing factor will go to A site and will release the peptide from the P site Translation in Eukaryotes Monocistronic one coding region Synthesis of secretory and membrane proteins Translation occurs in different regions of the cells SRP signal recognition particle These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Regulation of Protein Synthesis One way to regulate translation is a specific region of the untranslated mRNA in eukaryotes o Hairpin structure iron response element Can t have ferritin loose must be bound because it can become an oxidant Palindrome Mutation and Mutagenesis Some Terminology Terms that are often confused with each other Insertion Deletion Mutations Insertions or deletions of a number of bases that are not divisible by 3 cause a frameshift Mutations are how cancer develops Restriction Endonucleases CcoRI AATT is a palidrome The palindrome is cut out And makes up the sticky ends Other Common Restriction Enzymes Don t have to remember names or sequences just have to understand basics about them like the fact that they are a palindrome Southern Blotting DNA probe revealed for Gene A Southern blotting is how you do DNA fingerprinting
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