UW-Milwaukee CRMJST 271 - Emerging Issues
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CRM JST 271 1st Edition Lecture 20 I II III IV Ch 15 Emerging Issues Changes in American Society a There are a variety of societal changes that have a direct impact on policing nationwide i One such change is the aging population 1 Why is this relevant In what ways does this change affect policing b In addition to the aging population increasing cultural diversity is also influencing police i Growth and change involve relocation of many kinds of people ii Dynamic changes in ethnicity will confront Americans in the 21 st century iii Greater demand for police to help people work together iv Religious differences c Economic conditions also affect crime and thus police behavior so recent changes have proved particularly meaningful i Employment markets are much more global today than in the past ii The participation of women in employment iii Unemployment rate iv Poverty rate v Income inequality Immigration and Migration a Another factor is population immigration and migration which result in large demographic variations across states regions i Concentration of elderly in different states ii Proportion of a states population that is foreign Modern Problems a Of course problems facing the police will change over time b Difficult to forecast but four issues are presently evident i Recent crime trends ii Cyber crime iii Eyewitness identification iv Shrinking budgets Modern Technology a Technological advancements have had a lasting impact on policing over the years b The National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center helps agencies successfully adapt to new technologies c Importantly not all new technologies are beneficial and sometimes have unanticipated consequences d One category of technological change concerns crime detection and crime solving i What is the difference between the two 1 Devices to detect drugs 2 Cameras that can record illegal behavior 3 Latent fingerprint analysis 4 DNA analysis a Which of these is an example of crime solving technology V VI e A number of technological breakthroughs might be game changers for police in the future i Weapon detection ii Drug detection iii Drug identification iv Intoxication detection and measurement v Rapid DNA testing vi Lie detection f Not surprisingly crime detection and solving technologies raise a host of civil liberty issues i E g the federal government s eavesdropping g Various technologies are already extending police surveillance i Surveillance cameras CCTV ii Fixed automated license plate readers iii Cell phones h Unmanned aerial vehicles are currently causing public angst i Police communications equipment has become increasingly powerful smaller and more reliable in recent decades j Interoperability is an important contemporary issue i This refers to the capacity of units agencies to communicate with each other and share digital information k Global positioning systems GPS have recently advanced policing In what way l Interestingly social media has been adopted by many departments as well Why Long Term Trends a It is necessary to forecast significant trends that are likely to be consequential for policing in the future b 4 such trends are directly connected to modern policing i Collaboration ii Privatization iii Federalization iv Militarization 1 Of what relevance is each of these trends Competing Police Strategies a Terrorism and homeland security have dominated discussions of public safety in America since 9 11 b It impacted policing directly and indirectly through i New legislation and reorganization of the federal government ii Changes national funding priorities iii Need for authorities to improve intelligence analysis and sharing

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