WILD 3580 1st Edition Lecture 37 Outline of Last Lecture I Skin Glands II Hair Outline of Current Lecture I Hair II Color III Respiratory System IV Circulatory System V Reproduction Current Lecture I II Hair 1 Guard hairs 2 Underfur short dense hairs that underline the guard hairs for insulation 3 Vibrissae whiskers a Associated nerves b Tactile function Color 1 Skin color 2 Pelage color 2 basic pigments 1 Eumelanin brown and black gray is a diluted eumelanin 2 Pheomelanin reddish or yellowish colors Agouti pattern alternating bands of different pigments o Color patterns are genetically controlled Albinism and Melanism o Albinism lack of any pigmentation Albinistic less pigmentation than normal o Melanism greater than normal level of eumelanin These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V Respiratory System a Branched lungs that end with alveoli site of gas exchange air sacs b Thin membranes c Hierarchical branching system surface to area ratio d Muscular diaphragm contraction negative pressure ventilation Circulatory System a Complete 4 chambered heart i Left aortic arch whereas birds have a right aortic arch b Heart rate i Negative function with body size ii As body size increases heart rate decreases Reproduction a Both ovaries are functional b Internal fertilization i Occurs in the oviducts zygote develops ii Placenta connection between the embryo and uterine wall Exchange of nutrients gases and wastes c Baculum penis bones i All carnivores most rodents bats some primates and insectivores
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