UMass Amherst NRC 261 - Exotics

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Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice visit www foxitsoftware com shopping NRC 261 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture II Definitions III What roles do hunting and trapping fill a Consumption b Economics c Recreation d Ecological Management e Financial and Political Support IV Why is hunting and trapping so controversial V What s wrong with hunting and trapping VI From a biological perspective what should we do VII From a social perspective what should we do Outline of Current Lecture II What are exotic species III How why did they get here IV Desirable vs Undesirable Exotics V Successful vs Unsuccessful introductions VI Characteristics of Successful Exotics VII Characteristics encouraging colonization of exotics VIII Example of Exotics Gone Awry New Zealand Current Lecture How would you determine the best ways to manage an established exotic species These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute What are exotic species A species not native to an area didn t evolve there means usually one introduced by humans but the word exotic means an introduction of a species to a new place BY PEOPLE There are always ways animals can get to places on their own birds being blown across the ocean to a different continent How long ago Dingo non domestic dog They used to be domesticated around 5 000 years ago and humans brought them to Australia where they became feral Now they re recognized as a subspecies of canids but not necessarily considered exotic Red foxes were also introduced into Australia in modern times by Europeans and they re considered an exotic as are domestic cats that have gone feral when indigenous people bring things in those animals aren t considered exotic exactly How why did they get here Accidents house mice came along in ships stow aways wild horses are here not because people put them here as a wild species were brought here as work animals and some horses got away and started a new species over time Aesthetics English house sparrow are native to Europe but are now common in the US were brought here because people that were here wanted to bring a bird from home to the colonies Economic benefit raccoon dog native canid to eastern Asia china and japan introduced into Scandinavia because they liked their fur and wanted to use them for fur coats Sport hunting Chukar partridge not from here but raised and released for people to hunt and there are places out west where they have natural populations Endangerment in native habitat white rhinoceros people have brought to raise and keep protected from poachers and to live in a place that acts like a zoo but is very much like their natural environment the idea is to breed them to be able to eventually put them back in the wild Desirable vs undesirable exotics Is desirable exotic an oxymoron biodiversity concerns Sticking new organisms in is going to change things no matter what but there may be reasons that exotics might considered good like endangered ones Do we care If we don t care then its not undesirable not time or effort being put in to get rid of it but its not the same as desirable usually we just don t know enough about it to consider it undesirable What can go wrong Undesirables Economic damage Nutria large rodent coming from South America that lives in wetland areas Introduced to the united states as a fur bearer fur coat for the fur market in Southeast US fur market didn t do well so people just let them go cause trouble in wetland areas love to eat agricultural crops like sugar beets cause crop damage Competition Mute swans lots of them in the Northeast but they re not native here they re native to Europe They re bigger and more aggressive to other waterfowl If they get set up on a particular lake they displace other species that otherwise would nest there Gray squirrels were introduced into the UK years ago and gray squirrels outcompete the British native red squirrel they can t coexist and have driven out the red squirrels and even wiped out their populations throughout most of the UK Sika deer native to Eastern Asia introduced into Texas and it was assumed that they could live alongside white tailed deer Experiment was done in a natural pen fenced area and put in equal numbers of both species to see how they would get along after 8 years there were 62 sika deer and 0 white tailed deer They do compete and Sika deer are better than white tailed deer at living in Texas Chinese ring necked pheasants raised released hunted harvested in the Midwest and they attack native prairie chickens and drive them from their display grounds They also parasitize the nests of prairie chickens Female ring necked pheasant lay an egg in a prairie chicken nest and leave and make the prairie chicken raise her young don t know the difference The chicks of the pheasants are larger than the prairie chicken chicks and if the chicks have to fight for food the bigger one is going to win Wild boars native to Europe and Asia introduced to North America Now they re hunted regularly so people value them because they can be hunted and eaten They damage lots of natural vegetation eat eggs of ground nesting birds destroy agriculture eat stuff like acorns berries etc and that means that other animals that would normally eat food like that get outcompeted They also carry infectious diseases Predation Brown tree snakes accidentally got to Guam from Asia by airplanes and were able to eat the eggs and chicks of Guam rails who were used to a basically predator free environment so they had no defense mechanism didn t have to evolve with predators because they grew up on an island American mink in Europe introduced to the UK Water voles live along water banks of the UK and mink were able to prey on this species that never had to deal with a predator that could affect them so dramatically Over a short period of time when mink move into an area where water vole live they can wipe them out Hybridization Ducks in Australia Grey duck in Australia is able to interbreed with Mallard ducks so when they were introduced to Australia the two interbred and ended up with a Gray Mallard duck hybrid species Successful vs unsuccessful introductions Successful introduction European starlings successfully introduced to New York in 1890 by 1960 they made it all the way to the West Coast and up into Canada the

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