MCB 450 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture I Overview of the process of complete oxidation of glucose glycolysis TCA Cycle Oxidative Phophorylation II Preparatory step for TCA Cycle Pyruvate Acetyl CoA III Reactions of the TCA Cycle 8 IV Regulation of the TCA Cycle V TCA Cycle can also provide precursors for biosynthesis VI Anaplerotic reactions VII The glycoxylate cycle Outline of Current Lecture I Oxidation Reduction reactions II Defnition of standard reduction potential III Organization of the ETC is according to increasing values IV The components of the mitochondrial ETC V The path of e flow and concomitant H transfer in the ETC VI ROS Current Lecture The Glycoxylate Cycle Occurs in glyoxysomes Overview of the process of complete oxidation of glucose under aerobic conditions Conversion of glucose to pyruvate occurs in cytosol Light blue box occurs in the matrix and the right half is in the inner membrane Mitochondrial functions are localized in specifc compartments eukaryotes The TCA cycle and FA oxidation occur in the matrix Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the inner membrane and inner membrane space Standard Reduction Potential values can be used to predict the direction of redox reactions The more positive the E value the better the oxidizing agent the substance is The more negative the E value the better the substance is as a reductant Relation between the standard reduction potential and delta G of a redox If given a redox potential should be able to calculate the delta G Electrons flow down an energy gradient Energy is released when high energy electrons are transferred to oxygen The energy is used to establish a proton gradient Complex III Q Cytochrome C Oxidoreductase These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Fully oxidized becomes semiquinone radical ion QSecond half of Q cycle o Semiquinone radical ion Q becomes fully reduced ubiqual 1 OH2 1 NADH or 1 FADH2 Complex IV Cytochrome c Oxidase Summary 4e is equivalent to 2 NADH 2 FADH2 or 1 NADH 1 FADH2
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