KIN 123 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 7 12 Lecture 7 Feb 26 Guest Lecture on Alcohol Use and Abuse Where does alcohol come from It is produced from the fermentation of sugars and starches which yield the active ingredient ethanol What is the definition of social drinking Someone who drinks regularly but does not get drunk dependent upon amount consumed and frequency of consumption What is a biphasic affect Does alcohol have this Yes alcohol does have a biphasic affect which means that a person can only drink so much before they reach a plateau which is the peak point of feeling buzzed after this point everything starts to get worse What is BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration Lecture 8 March 3 Guest Lecture on Drugs What is the difference between substance abuse and dependence Substance abuse leads to failure to fulfill major obligations and legal problems whereas substance dependence is defined by the body s physical need for the substance as well as withdrawal symptoms when the substance is removed What are three different types of drugs Narcotics Hallucinogens Depressants What are some examples of treatment for substance abusers Medication assisted treatment treatment centers self help groups and peer counseling Lecture 9 March 10 Addiction and Smoking How is an addictive behavior defined Addictive behaviors are habits that have gotten out of control resulting in negative effects on a person s health Why might a person begin smoking tobacco Many adult smokers began before age 18 many people also rationalize the dangers What are three examples of long term effects of smoking Cardiovascular disease lung cancer and other cancers COPD What is ETS defined as Environmental Tobacco Smoke Lecture 11 March 24 Physical Fitness What is physical fitness defined as The body s ability to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort What are three benefits of exercise Improved cardiorespiratory functioning more efficient metabolism and improved cell health and improved body composition Lecture 12 March 31 What are the three basic concepts of weight management Body fat fat storage and body composition all affect a person s weight management How can a person maintain an energy balance Keeping a balance with the energy you take in calories and the energy you use exercise metabolism and digestion is how to maintain an energy balance What risks is excess body fat associated with Hypertension high cholesterol and triglyceride levels impaired heart function and death from cardiovascular disease What factors contribute to excess body fat Genetics physiological factors and lifestyle all can contribute to or prevent excess body fat
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