WILD 3580 1st Edition Lecture 26 Outline of Last Lecture I Sex Determination II Parthenogenesis III Thermoregulation Outline of Current Lecture I Behavioral Thermoregulation II Locomotion Current Lecture I II Behavioral Thermoregulation Examples Digestion Reproductive status Health status behavioral fever to decrease infection and increase immune response Locomotion Turtles lizards and crocodilians o Quadrupedal locomotion moving on four legs Lizards and crocs sprawling limb posture Advantages stable wide base Disadvantages not fast not suitable for heavy body weights o Bipedal locomotion hind limbs Some lizards ex Basalisk lizards o Turtle locomotion is limited by fused vertebrae and carapace space Spine does not move Snakes o Types of movements 1 Rectilinear caterpillar straight forward movement These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Sequential movement of scales moving from the underside Most snakes 2 Serpentine lateral undulation curves of the snake are pushing of the ground surface using the movement of the body Needs high friction surface Also used for swimming 3 Concertina movement tail pushes front of the body forward then pushes head to push tail forward Used in areas of low friction surfaces and small spaces 4 Sidewinding movement head and tail pick up the rest of the body crabby like locomotion In very unstable substrate like sand Fairly rapid
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