CRM JST 271 1st Edition Lecture 8 I The Philosophical Dimension a 3 of the most central philosophical beliefs relate to the following i Citizen input 1 Open access to police organizations 2 Input into police policies and decisions ii Broad police function 1 Resolve conflict help victims prevent accidents solve problems reduce fear iii Personal service II The Strategic Dimension a This dimension focuses on three important changes i Less reliance on the patrol car and more emphasis on face to face interactions 1 What does this achieve ii Differential responses to calls for service 1 What does this allow police to do iii Reexamination of traditional criminal investigation III The Tactical Dimension a To dimensions are most central to the tactical side of community policing efforts i Positive interaction ii Partnerships 1 With whom iii Problem solving IV POP a Similar to community oriented policing emphasis began in 1980 s b It exists of four steps which together form the SARA model These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Careful identification of the problem Scan ii Careful analysis of the problem Analyze iii A search for alternative solutions to the problem Response iv Implementation and assessment of a response to the problem Assess V Intelligence Led Policing a Emphasizes the use of real time crime analysis b Demands more centralization and information and decision making than is common in American policing i As well as more analytical capacity c Three factors account for the development of this style since the 1990 s i Technological improvements in the police data systems ii The terrorist events of 9 11 iii The new managerial philosophy that emphasizes top down direction in control VI Predictive Policing a The primary aim of predictive policing in anticipation b Uses data to do the following i React more quickly to incidents and patterns ii Predict events in the hope of preventing or acting preemptively c This makes stopping crime more than just a dream d On the flip side however there are philosophical and legal concerns that follow predictive policing efforts i What concerns might arise VII What works in policing a Evidence regarding the effectiveness of the 4 strategies reviewed in this chapter is fairly limited i Do the fact that techniques are multifaceted and effects are hard to identify b Evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of community policing is weak i On the contrary hot spot policing does reduce crime c Evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of POP suggests that it does reduce crime disorder and improve safety in public places d Important to give attention to weaknesses of these strategies Police Management Ch 5
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