WILD 3580 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Order Caudata II Reproduction Outline of Current Lecture I Order Gymnophiona II Sensory Reception III Reproduction Current Lecture I II III Order Gymnophiona Caecilians 170 species worldwide not as diverse Terrestrial fossorial underground or aquatic Characteristics 1 Elongate body wormlike 2 Limbs and limb girdles are absent secondarily derived 3 Tails are absent or greatly reduced 4 Eyes are reduced very little function other than light reception 5 May have two one or no lungs skin serves less in respiration 6 Annuli rings around the body segmentation a Associated with vertebra Sensory Reception Eyes light reception Tentacle chemoreception Lateral line system in aquatic larvae Reproduction Internal fertilization o Males have copulatory organ possibly a secondarily derived characteristics Oviparous lay eggs in water to hatch aquatic larvae o Some lay eggs on land egg guarding by the female These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Ovoviviparous eggs are retained in the oviduct before being born o Young are 30 60 of females length Viviparous most caecilians o Young is getting nourishment from the female via secretions from the oviduct walls o Teeth of young stimulate production of secretions
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