CRM JST 271 1st Edition Lecture 4 Current Lecture I The Reform Era a The 1920 s saw an increasing emphasis on reform b 1920 s to 60 s were arguably the most significant era of policing given the movement toward professionalism i Crime fighting should be the primary strategy of the police getting there quickly was the best model ii Importance of selection training and management of police 1 At one point had a restriction of a minimum height of 5 10 restricting women 2 45 second chin hang c Three factors influenced the move from a political to a more professional style of policing during the mid 20th century i European developments in criminalistics ii Changes in American society and politics iii The growth of the police reform movement d Crime commissions advanced the professionalism movement i Chicago Crime Commission 1919 ii Wickersham Commission 1929 iii President s Commission on law enforcement and administration of justice e The significance of the great depression i How did this event impact police professionalism II Minority Perspective on the Development of American Police a The history of policing focuses attention on what occurred in the northeast which misses important pieces of the puzzle i Policing in the south what was unique about the south These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ii Policing in the western frontier what was unique about the west b As late as the 1960 s minority police officers were relegated to policing black neighborhoods III State Police a Formation of state police is an important piece of policing history i Texas and Massachusetts were only states with state police before 1900 ii Pennsylvania eventually followed suit in 1905 iii More states formed state police in the 1920 s by 1960 nearly all states had 1 New responsibilities also began to form a Highway patrol enforcement of traffic laws IV Federal Law Enforcement a The Revenue Cutter Service and US Marshall Service b Postal Inspectors c Secret Service d Federal Bureau of Investigation e What was are the responsibilities of these agencies V More Law Enforcement Agencies a Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives b Drug Enforcement Administration c Internal Revenue Service d US customs and border protection e US Marshals Service f US Park Police g US Park Rangers VI Summary a The history of American police can be traced back to England b 1st form of American policing was the constable nightwatch system from the 1600 s to 1930 s i Was replaced by modern integrated day night police c There were three distinct period of policing development i Political era reform era and community policing era d Formation of federal law enforcement and state police are important pieces of American policing history
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