HIST 1311 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture Other Europeans and the New World Outline of Current Lecture Other Europeans and the New World Current Lecture English Jamestown 1606 Virginia Co joint stock Problems Location in the Chesapeake They are trying to find gold Pawhatan Leadership Virginia Co were wealthy people and had no idea in agriculture They want profit from their lands John Smith and the Starving Time 1609 1610 215 settlers in Jamestown Lost 70 of population from disease John Smith was an ex military leader had a reputation for women John Rolfe These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Significance He knows how to grow tobacco which make famous on that time He creates a system based on tobacco Virginia Co creates a market from exchanging tobacco in order to sustain themselves 1619 House of Burgesses is established as the government structure of the colony First elected representative body in North America Headright System is a land grant of 50 acres to people who choose to come and settle the area First African Arrivals First documented arrival of African to North America Legacy of Monoculture government favor large holders Governor William Barkely 1975 1976 gives favor to large holders He sets a frontier to protect the settlers also to avoid the large holders to expand Bacon s Rebellion 1976 3000 farmers servants slaves small holder wanted to expand westward English Legacy of the Protestant Reformations religious aspects In England originally became to be known a divorce leaving your wife 1517 Martin Luther developed 95 Theses at Wittenburg against Catholic Church his main issue was indulgences Catholic Sacraments Faith Alone is sufficient to obtain salvation Leo X Medici Cuius regio eius religio Jean Calvin Predestination God knew you and your faith no matter what you do on this world your salvation is determined only if you are a member of the elect Plymouth Bay Colony Puritans Purified They want to go purify the Church of England they care about salvation Pilgrims Separatists They go to a long journey because they want to separate from the Church of England because they think it is abusive Holland 1608 1609 Dutch believe they are wealthy because they are a member of the elect 1620 Plymouth Est Squanto Atlantic Creole Creole is a person who adopts different elements Governor William Breadford Micracle of Land Absorbed by Massachusetts Bay 1691
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