UMass Amherst NRC 261 - Wildlife & Conservation Introduction

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NRC 261 1st Edition Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture Wildlife Conservation Definition of wildlife Definition of conservation II How to Manage Wildlife Populations Wildlife Management vs Wildlife Conservation Definition of Management Definition of Conservation IV Wildlife Conservationists What they do who they work for V Where to find wildlife conservation job listings Current Lecture Wildlife Conservation Introduction Wildlife now considered mainly vertebrates sometimes endangered plants invertebrates Conservation stewardship of wildlife species habitats How can wildlife populations be managed hunting trapping restoration relocation captive breeding habitat protection improvement or degradation education changing attitudes beliefs towards wildlife changes in policy laws Wildlife Management vs Wildlife Conservation management usually focus on game species hunting economic values conservation inclusion of non economic values like protection of species Important note the two often overlap and the terms can often be used to refer to the same thing however this can crete a conflict of values Wildlife science the process of gaining scientific knowledge about wildlife What do wildlife conservationists do usually 3 categories managers scientists outreach can combine the first two Who do they work for non governmental organizations work as consultants nature conservancy industries forestry or mining for ex governments as teachers in all levels of school Listing of wildlife related jobs www conbio org www wildlife org wfsc tamu eduX www usajobs opm gov X

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