JOURN 3000 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture Outline of Current Lecture I Pre history Current Lecture Explanation of Origins Agency History driven by individual choices Collective action Unintended consequences Functionalism History driven by vacuums created by unfulfilled needs Explanation Identifies causes by way of effects Fails to specify a selective adaptive mechanism Fails to explain dysfunction Structure History driven by cultural material and institutional environments Responsibility Structural explanation Cultural structure factors These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Material structure factors Institutional structure factors Cultural structure Ideas values attitudes Why does the early American newspaper emerge as a quasi political institution Content Political news political essays Staff Tied to appointed by political factions parties Printing merchants Support Political subsidies Audience Voters to be persuaded Material structure Geography technology economy Why does the political press give way to the Penny Press in the 1830s and following Content Stories on nitty gritty of urban life local entertainment Staff Entrepreneurs information gatherers Support Advertising Audience Consumers middle and working classes mass circulation Institutional structure Institutions government church school family business Why does broadcast journalism emerge in the US around World War II Many radio stations in early 1920s initially owned by newspapers many false starts Only brief news bulletins twice a day in 1930s Broadcast journalism begins earlier elsewhere Specifying collective action Structure Evolution Demonstration Ideation Evolution survival of the fittest Best adapted innovation wins out Example Biological evolution natural selection Challenge Must specify the selective mechanism Political press Demonstration Once people are exposed to an attractive option they will desire to adopt it Example Economic globalism desire affluence Challenge Must specify the means of demonstration why the option is attractive Penny press Ideation A new theory answers a question that the old theory or old ways of doing things could not Example Scientific revolutions Ptolemaic theory gives way to Copernicus theory Challenge highly ideational communal a new generation of adherents must replace an older generation Objectivity Why historical explanation News media advertising PR result of historical outcomes We gain better control of our own institutional narrative
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