BIOL 1108 Edition 1st Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Geologic Eras II Fish III Fish Forms IV Fish Evolution and Classification V Ostracoderm Characteristics VI Superclass Gnathostomata Outline of Current Lecture I Gnathostomata Advantages II Early Gnathostomes III Modern Boney Fish IV Characteristics of Most Teleosts V Natural History of Fish Current Lecture I II Gnathostomata Advantages Greater diversity of foods Greater defense o Active bite or snap o Passive threat display Allows manipulation of objects Paired Appendages development of limbs Early Gnathostomes Class Placodermi Placoderm o plate skinned o Formed during the Silurian Era Class Acanthodii Acanthodian o spiny sharks fins supported by spines o Boney operculum These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V o More modern looking diverse o Cartilaginous skeleton o Not ancestors of sharks Modern Boney Fish Class Sarcopterygii lobe finned bony fishes o Subclass Coelacanthimorpha Coelacants Mezozoic Era Cretaceous Latimera chalumnae thought to be extinct o Subclass Dipnoi Lungfish Not as diverse any more Fleshy fins Ability to breath atmospheric oxygen with lung like structures Not ancestors to modern tetrapods o Subclass Osteolepimorphi ripidistian fishes Ancestors to modern tetrapods Predatory now extinct Shallow freshwater habitats Morphological structures similar to early amphibians Class Actinopterygii ray finned bony fishes o Subclass Chondrostei Order Acipenseriformes Paddlefish and Atlantic Sturgeon Order Polypteriformes Birchirs and Ropefish o Subclass Neopterygii Division Teleostei 90 of all fish Variation in locomotion reproduction ect Ex Trouts bass catfish ect Class Chondrichthyes cartilaginous fishes developed early on o Largely marine predators o Elasmobranchii and Holocephali Characteristics of Most Teleosts 1 Cycloid Ctenoid scales 2 Tail usually homocercal 3 Possess a swim bladder Natural History of Fish Fish breathe using gills o Efficient absorbing oxygen through water counter current exchange o Consist of gill arches and gill filaments primary lamellae o Secondary lamellae projections on the primary lamellae increases surface area Counter current flow water flow and blood flow are in opposite directions High percentage oxygenated water coming to contact with low oxygenated blood Gradient tendency to flow from water to blood high to low concentration
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