WILD 3580 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Describing and Naming a new species II Name change III Systematics Outline of Current Lecture I Term paper information a Guidelines b Format c Grading d Outline e Timeline Current Lecture I Term paper information a Guidelines i Written summary of the life history aspects of a vertebrate species ii Select a specific species and conduct a review of the scientific literature iii Databases Zoological Record Wildlife Worldwide and BIOSYS Google Scholar also works 1 Snowball Method iv Consult recent series of species reviews published by the major professional societies 1 Must be packed up by a thorough literature search of your own 2 Mammals search Mammalian Species v References should be predominantly peer reviewed scientific journals 1 Web sites encyclopedias and field guides are not acceptable vi Must include at least 10 primary sources These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Annotated bibliography with sources due April 3 2015 2 http guides library cornell edu annotatedbibliography vii You may not cite a paper that you have not read viii You must not plagiarize any part of a published document 1 Don t have to cite every sentence but have each source cited ix Do not attempt to make up information for any part of your paper b Format i Should be 3 5 pages double spaced not including literature cited and figures ii Use simple direct statements iii Use 12 pt Times New Roman font and contain 1 inch margin iv Use metric units for measurements v Do not include a title page and do not put your name on it vi Sources under Literature Cited section in chronological alphabetical order 1 Not in MLA format vii Tables and figures must appear on a separate page at the end of the paper and each must have a number and a title viii Include the common name and scientific name of your species the first time it s given in the text no switching back and forth 1 If you choose to use the scientific name you may abbreviate the genus after the first usage except when it is used to start a sentence 2 Include the common and scientific names of all other species referenced 3 Italicize all scientific names used in the paper c Grading i Paper content 60 ii Literature review 10 iii Scientific writing style 10 iv Paper format 10 v Annotated bibliography 10 d Outline i Taxonomy taxonomic history problems subspecies synonyms ii Description identification iii Distribution and habitat range of species and North American subspecies iv Reproduction and development v Ecology and behavior activity pattern migration hibernation ect vi Conservation status current abundance status vii Literature cited every name date citation in the text must have a corresponding complete citation 1 All text citations have a corresponding entry 2 There are no entries in the section that do not have a citation in the text e Time line i Searching research databases February 2 4 in lab ii Annotated bibliography due April 3 iii Final paper due April 27
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