WILD 3580 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Introduction to Vertebrate Natural History II Kingdoms III 3 Subphyla IV Cranium Outline of Current Lecture I Classification II Binomial Nomenclature III Scientific Names IV Nomenclature Rules V Describing a new species Current Lecture I II Classification a Based on evolutionary relationships i Taxonomy ii Systematics b Taxonomy the practice of describing biodiversity including naming species i Common vernacular names ii Problems 1 Can vary from place to place or person to person 2 Can vary with language 3 Some aren t species specific a Similar species may have the same common name b Different species can have the same common name 4 Small rare organisms may have no common name Binomial Nomenclature a Created by Linneaus These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V b Binomen noun adjective c Latin or ancient Greek d 1st noun genus e 2nd adjective specific epithet f Genus specific epithet scientific name Scientific Names a Latin or Greek is used because they are dead languages b Must be treated as a foreign word when written or printed i In writing underline ii Print italics c Genus must be capitalized d Cannot use a specific epithet without using the genus Nomenclature rules a A genus can be used for only one group of species b Within a specific genus no specific epithet can be used more than once c All scientific names must observe the Law of Priority the first valid scientific name given to an organism is the recognized name i Synonym a scientific name associated with a species but does not go by its recognized name Describing a new species a Collect at least one voucher specimen i Must be deposited in a nationally recognized museum ii Voucher specimens are representative specimens of a species
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