ANSC 210 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 21 10 Lecture 21 Are there more multi cat households or more multi dog households There are more multi cat households than there are multi dog households Define animal behavior Animal behavior is how an animal acts at any particular time this can be normal or abnormal Animals have a limited or infinite behavioral repertoire Animals have a limited behavioral repertoire They go back to the same behaviors for multiple stimuli What makes a behavior abnormal compared to normal An abnormal behavior is a behavior that is out of context or excessive Barking is a normal behavior when a dog barks at a noise abnormal behavior is if a dog barks for no reason or will not stop barking True or False illnesses can be expressed as behaviors in animals True Why are most animals surrendered to shelters Most animals are surrendered due to behavioral problems When trying to determine if a behavior is abnormal or normal why is it important to have multiple animals It is difficult to determine what is normal and abnormal when you only have one animal to look at What are the four environmental settings to look at when looking at animal behavior Free range feral household laboratory and wild settings What are the various components that Dr Beaver looks at when evaluating animal behavior Historical neurological and sense communication social sexual ingestive eliminative locomotive and grooming Of the two species which is more diverse dogs or cats Dogs are a lot more diverse than cats There are Chihuahuas and there are Great Danes while most cat breeds are all the same size The behaviors of dogs are more diverse than that of cats What is the dog s natural social order Dogs naturally live in a pack with a linear dominance What are cat s natural social order Cats are asocial they live in a linear dominance sort of There is one top cat and one bottom cat pariah There are a lot of middle ranked cats How does cat dominance work Cat dominance is related to territory the dominance hierarchy changes depending on the location one cat can be dominant in one territory and submissive in another territory Lecture 22 What is the main way of controlling the animal population The main solution to population control is spaying and neutering Are there birch control options for dogs and cats like there are in humans Yes dogs and cats have hormone based contraception that can be used to avert pregnancy What are the two top public health concerns with animals Animal bites and zoonoses What are the three unwanted animal problems Public health safety and unregulated pregnancies What is a significant source of cat disease Feral cats are the top source of cat diseases What is the current solution for unwanted animals Euthanasia is the current solution for unwanted animals Is euthanasia a cruel way to kill animals Euthanasia is said to be the dignified and humane way of killing an animal it is a kind alternative What is immunity Immunity is the ability to resist infection What are the three types of immunity and define them Natural immunity the inability for a specific species to get a disease certain species cannot get certain illnesses Passive immunity antibodies given from one animal to another animal colostrum Active immunity antibodies are produced when one animal is exposed to the disease vaccinations What makes a vaccine a recommended vaccine Vaccinations need to have a high effectiveness and need to prevent a disease with a high mortality morbidity rate What are the recommended dog vaccines Distempter and adenovirus which are modified live vaccines and parvovirus Lecture 23 What are the core vaccines for cats Modified live vaccines feline rhinotracheitis calcivirus feline panleukemia Killed rabies vaccine What is Feline Virus Rhinotracheitis Feline Calcivirus and when is it more common This virus is an upper respiratory virus caused by direct contact Symptoms are most severe in kittens What is Feline Panleukemia and what are the symptoms This disease is highly contagious and is transmitted fecal orally The symptoms are depression diarrhea vomiting and low white cell count What is feline leukemia who should get the vaccine and what are the symptoms Feline leukemia is an oncovirus spread through saliva Cats living outdoors and cats who live with a feline infected cat should get the vaccine The symptoms are fever enlarge lymph nodes depression anorexia vomiting diarrhea secondary infections and cancer What is Feline Immunodeficiency virus and who should get the vaccine This disease is the feline AIDs the immune system suffers and the cat usually dies from a secondary infection There is currently not an effective vaccine therefore most cats should not be vaccinated What are two vaccination problems There can be adverse reactions and vaccination failures What is hip displaysia and what are the symptoms This is poor conformation of the hips usually bilateral The symptoms are cartilage damage inflammation and instability due to bone spur growth What is patella luxations and who usually gets it This is prominent in small dogs who jump off of couches A patella luxation is a kneecap patella that shifts of to one side What is cardiomyopathy what are the symptoms and what is the treatment Cardiomyopathy is a heart disease where the heart enlarges and fluid fills the lungs This is prevalent in giant breeds and cats The symptoms are weakness coughing fainting and sudden death Treatments for cardiomyopathy are drugs to slow the heart rate lessen body fluids but eventually the heart will fail What are cataracts and their treatment Cataracts are opacity of the lens treatment is surgery What is glaucoma and what is the treatment Glaucoma is the cornea of the eye becoming opaque It is common in older toy dogs Treatment is eye drops and surgery Lecture 24 What is behavior Behavior is how an animal responds to a stimulus What is behavior determined by Behavior is determined by heredity and learning What is the goal of training The goal of training is understanding normal and abnormal behavior of animals What is ethology Ethology is the study of animal behavior What is the most common reason why pets are surrendered to shelters The most common reason why animals are surrendered to shelters is because the animal has behavioral problems When is the critical time for socialization The critical time for socialization is 3 to 16 weeks What do mothers teach their babies Mothers teach their babies
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