CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Final Exam Study Guide
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FILM 3660 1nd Edition AFTER ART David Joselit DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FINAL STUDY GUIDE ANSWER KEY Commons Repatriation Folding Ethno commodity Image Continuous Ramp Neoliberal Circulation Image Fundamentalism Differential fields MATCH THE TERMS BELOW 1 Epistemology of search 2 Connection Connectivity 3 Citizen Citizenship 4 Common Wealth 5 Globalization 6 Experience Economy 7 Relational aesthetics 8 Scalability 9 Branding 10 Format 11 Cultural densification A A worldwide division of labor B The retrieval reframing recapturing and documenting of art as opposed to art production C Multiple branching of connections that allows an image to pass locally nationally and globally D Global capital profits from large amounts of centered network connections E The passage from private space into communal space in regards to appreciation of art F Contact Current Currency The notion that art is network centered and not object centered G Creating a market image that goes beyond commodity and can extend worldwide H A collective patrimony museums are resources for all human kind I More than commodities experiences and transformative experiences like art or travel J Dynamic mechanisms for aggregating content an established pattern of links or connections K The belief that artwork gives us the capability of living in a shared world FILL IN THE BLANK 1 Bridging the gap between historical information and aesthetic construction an is a collection of documented artifacts 2 removes the boundary between art and life in order to point out arts social impact 3 In the second stage or original data is reprocessed or retransmitted 4 In a distinction between two different spaces and space online space is contrasted by face to face interaction 5 The idea that we should not be passive consumers or art but engaged in its meaning is called 6 represents a practical commitment to a social transformation through visualization of a better place 7 incorporates viewers within an immersive environment WORD BANK ARCHIVE POST PRODUCTION INSTALLATION ACTUAL ARTE DE CONDUCTA UTOPIA PARTICIPATION VIRTUAL DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS 1 Authorization 2 Transitive painting 3 Saturation 4 Population 5 Institutional Critque 6 Performance 7 Public Sphere 8 Immersion 9 The multitude 10 Consensus 11 Painting s expanded field 12 Network COMPLETE THE CHART Benjamin Site Specify Singular Work Witness to History Scarcity Aura Joselit MATCH THE KEY TERMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Migrant Object Native Object Documentary Object Reframing Capturing Reiterating Documentary Framing A Free and unfettered relation to site B The Atlas Group Walid Raad Notebook Volume 38 Already Been in a Lake of Fire C Does not belong to an individual or a state constituting and creating public spheres and spontaneous networking D True story media representation Hollywood reenactment and hybrid docudrama reconstruction E Isa Genzken s Spielautomat F Best vehicle for cultural identity G Liam Gillick McNamara ANSWER KEY AFTER ART David Joselit DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS 1 Commons a property limited space with its own rules of engagement The artist provides you the rules of engagement participation in art 2 Repatriation A debate over the proper place a piece of art is originated from 3 Folding When you fold a piece of paper you have to individual halves that are still one whole Without ripping the paper you combine one and two buildings have separate floors 4 Ethno commodity An artwork that respects both migrate and native images preserving and promoting its native origin pg 19 5 Image A quantum of visual content that can assume a variety of formats Preface 6 Continuous Ramp A warped surface like a spiral staircase or ramp blends the floors together as opposed to a staircase pg 27 29 7 Neoliberal Circulation Exchange of finances across the world Art as money 8 Image Fundamentalism Art becomes artifacts from culture not just money 9 Differential fields Pg 31 No solid density gradient it calm with calm like traits Not one roof but roof like features No columns but column like features A network of varying intensities MATCH THE KEY TERMS 1 Epistemology of search B 2 Connection Connectivity F 3 Citizen Citizenship C 4 Common Wealth H 5 Globalization A 6 Experience Economy I 7 Relational aesthetics K 8 Scalability E 9 Branding G 10 Format J 11 Cultural densification D FILL IN THE BLANK 1 Bridging the gap between historical information and aesthetic construction an ARCHIVE is a collection of documented artifacts 2 PARTICIPATION removes the boundary between art and life in order to point out arts social impact 3 In the second stage or POST PRODUCTION original data is reprocessed or retransmitted 4 In a distinction between two different spaces ACTUAL and VIRTUAL space online space is contrasted by face to face interaction 5 The idea that we should not be passive consumers or art but engaged in its meaning is called ARTE DE CONDUCTA 6 UTOPIA represents a practical commitment to a social transformation through visualization of a better place 7 INSTALLATION incorporates viewers within an immersive environment DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TERMS 1 Authorization An artistic construction of documentary truth value in spite of its accuracy 2 Transitive painting Connects 2 types of passages internal and external 3 Saturation Overwhelming visuality that threatens cultural divides 4 Population Utopian representation of hope for new spaces and new people beyond the reach of capitalism 5 Institutional Critique A form of commentary that critically but structurally critiques organization in a society and art 6 Performance Where the body is the subject and direct object of the work 7 Public Sphere How art engages in a larger cultural context 8 Immersion A virtual reenactment of war 9 The multitude The experience of being in common with one another during circulation that is important not just for money or economic factors but also experiences 10 Consensus How a government can rhetorically argumentatively and visually compels its own people to believe in the justice of going to war 11 Painting s expanded field The management of national citizenship 12 Network Works of art are no longer objects but fluid and accessible forms of communication among cultures COMPLETE THE CHART Benjamin Site Specify Joselit Network Singular Work Witness to History Scarcity Aura Population of Images Constitutive of history experiencing history Saturation Buzz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Migrant Object A Native Object F

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CU-Boulder FILM 3660 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Pages: 6
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