RELI 1000 Exam 4 Study Guide Terminology the body of terms used with a particular technical application in a subject of study Eschatology part of theology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history or the ultimate destiny of humanity this concept is commonly referred to as the end of the world or end time Salvation deliverance from sin and its consequences believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ Liberation act of setting someone free from imprisonment slavery or oppression Mostly seen in Roman Catholics Brahman In Hinduism is the unchanging reality amidst and beyond the world which cannot be exactly defined It has ben described in Sanskrit as being consciousness bliss and as the highest reality Moksha seen in Indian religions means emancipation liberation or relases It means freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth Nirvana Buddhism religion Can be accomplished through the four noble truths and the eightfold path Suffering ends when the need for desire stops here enters a state of bliss Liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth Samadhi Hinduism meditative absorption obtained by practice of dhyana the mind becomes still one pointed or concentrated while the person remains conscious Buddhism Last of the eight elements in the Eight Fold Path Sunyata meditative state goal is to experience emptiness Paradise Christianity Islam a final state of bliss is conceived as a heavenly afterlife HinduismUnion with the divine Buddhism eternal condition of peace and changelessness Sheol Hebrews believe this to be the underworld of the Old Testament a place of darkness where both righteous and unrighteous go regardless of the moral choices made in life cosmic cycling the cycle of creation reincarnation the soul or spirit after death can begin a new life in a new body transmigration to pass at death from one body or being to another science intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment secularism the process of social transformation by which the society stops to identify with religious institutions modernization social change is facilitated by advancements in technology production and consumption Pluralism Creation of a universal religion materialism fundamentalism a form of resistance to modernization and materialism aims to preserve tradition and purity of the past exclusivism the view that one s religion is the only true valid religion inclusivism a view that other religion have a truth to offer to religious knowledge dialogue a willingness of member from different religious communities to gather investigate their difference and to understand and be enriched by each others values contextualization the belief that all scriptures must be understood interpreted in their cultural contexts tolerance a view that affirms one s own faith commitment but seks to find ways to live in harmony with others interfaith dispute between two different religions can form a boundary where the two faiths separate one in north a different in the south there would be a boundary where one begins and one ends intra faith dispute between two or more branches or sects of the same religion a boundary can form the same with interfaith except with two different branches of the same religion the 1973 global ethic think this is suppose to be 1993 we commit ourselves to the global ethic to understanding one another and to socially beneficial peace fostering and nature friendly way of life We invite all people whether religious or not to do the same this ethic was based on the golden rule taught in all religions Treat people how you want to be treated Christian liberation movement black feminist Asian Latino socially engaged Buddhism activism against landmines Jerry Farwell an American fundamentalist Criticized the mass media for its influence on the youth Stated that T V fosters disrespect for traditional family values However he turned to TV to proselytize preaching using the media to counter these values Apocalyptic movements Tend to predict the world ending or a disaster Examples would be Jehova witnesses founded by Charles Taze Russel Syncretism merging of different religions cultures or schools of thought progressive movements Mission is to promote a better world Example is Rastafari movement Teachings are based on the prediction that the great civilization was going to take place in Africa Goal was to promote a works where black people will have a better role Haile Selassie I ruled Ethiopia 1930 1974 believed that he was God incarnate Sun Myun Moon Founded the unification movement In a vision Jesus appeared to him and asked him to complete his unfinished mission on earth Believe him and his wife were the messiah and true parents of human kind Their mission was to establish families in which God s love is manifest Mahakari movement Founded by Sukui Nushi Sama in Japan Believed he is the successor of Buddha and Christ as God s viceroy on earth Teaches that science and medicine are superstitious Healing should be sought by transmission of universal light brining peace to ancestral spirits spread divine civilization throughout the world 1 Salvation and liberation Know concepts of salvation of for two western and two eastern Asian religions Plan on describing in details how each community perceives the afterlife Be prepared to talk about areas that may seem illogical even as you want to agree that belief is based on faith Know the different ways of attaining liberation salvation and two religions for each group Western religions Judaism Christianity Islam o Judaism the salvation of the individual was connected to the salvation of the entire people Belief stemmed directly from Torah where God taught his people sanctification of the individual he also expected them to function together spiritually and be accountable to one another Primarily focused on life here and now rather then on an afterlife o Christianity salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ Jesus s death on the cross made salvation of sin possible Liberation can be accomplished by treating others better than you would want to be treated loving Christ and asking forgiveness of sins 10 commandments When one dies they will be judged according to the life they lived either to go to heaven or suffer in hell o Islam salvation refers to the eventual entrance to heaven Islam teaches that people
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