ECU RELI 1000 - New Religious Movements

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RELI 1000 1st Edition Lecture 14 New Religious Movements Emerging in the 19th 20th and 21st century Terminology What is a cult What is a sect Why NRM What factors influence their emergence Types of NRM Factors behind Survival Why New NRM refers to religious groups arising early in the 19th century Also known as sects or cults alternative religious movements marginal movements The terms Sect Cult have negative connotation They connote evil practices abuse indoctrination etc What is a cult A cult is a distinct break from an established tradition It is often associated with dangerous authority and violence e g Jim Jones People s Temple is a cult because of suicidal teachings http www youtube com watch v D7IxGGfpSWk feature related http www youtube com watch v HMCnOpmbJQQ feature related http www youtube com watch v cRfDE9bndfg Cont A Sect is a splinter or subgroup associated with a larger tradition Termed heretical E g These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 1 Bahai arose 19th century from a Shi i Islam It sees itself as succeeding Islam 2 Jehova witness is a sect of Christianity Like Christians they accept the Bible as their first scripture FACTORS BEHIND N R M s Apocalyptic Catastrophic movements Progressive movements Unification movement Offshoots of older religions Syncretism Universalist religions The need for survival Apocalyptic Catastrophic movements Mostly motivated by social changes Tend to predict apocalyptic expectations like the end of the world or disaster Some may lead to self destruction E g Jehovah witness was founded by Charles Taze Russell of the Bible Student movement in 1800 s Russell predicted the end of the world in 1873 74 Christ was to arrive has indeed arrived and is invisible Jehovah Witness considers itself as a restoration movement Has about 8 million followers Charles Taze Russell Reject trinitarianism inherent immortality of the soul and concept of hell fire because they are not in the Bible Do not observe Christmas Easter and other birthdays because they consider them pagan God s kingdom s is a literal government in heaven ruled by Jesus Christ and 144 000 Christians Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God movement Uganda In Uganda 2 000 members of the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God movement died waiting for the world to end It broke away from the Roman Catholic Church The movement was founded by Credonia Mwerinde Joseph Kibweteere and Bee Tait in Uganda in 1980 s Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God cont Mwerinde a brewer of banana beer and Kibweteere a politician claimed that they had visions of the Virgin Mary They perished in a devastating fire and a series of poisonings and killings Killings were considered cult suicide or mass murder orchestrated by sect leaders after their predictions of the apocalypse failed to pass Progressive Movements Mission is to promote a better world E G Rastafari Movement It arose in Jamaica is associated with Alexander Bedward and Marcus Garvey Teachings are based on the prediction that the great civilization was going to take place in Africa led by Ras Tafari Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia Its goal was to promote a world where black people will have a better role The movement spread to the Caribbean North America Europe Australia and New Zealand Haile Selassie I He is believe that Haile Selassie I Emperor of Ethiopia ruled 1930 1974 was God incarnate Dreadlocks They are a part of the biblical Nazarene vow who prohibit shaving and combing the hair They symbolizes the roots of the man and his spirituality the link with Jah They are also a symbol of the Lion Haile Selassie I Marcus Garvey said a man without knowing of his past is like a tree without roots Nazarite Vow May the hair grow thick on the head of Joseph on the brow of the consecrated nazir one among his brothers Deuteronomy 33 16b Samson You are barren now but you will soon become pregnant with a son You will call him Samson The power of the Lord will be with him He will not be allowed to drink strong drinks and his hairs cannot be cut lest the strength of the Lord will leave him Judges 16 18 20 Cannabis The Ganja healing of the nations also known as hemp cannabis or marijuana is used as a holy sacrament by Rastas in many ways The Holy Herb was found growing on King Solomon s grave Source in the Bible Thou shalt eat the herb of the field Genesis 3 18 eat every herb of the land Exodus 10 12 Better is a dinner of herb where love is than a stalled ox and hatred there with Proverbs 15 17 Cont He causeth the grass for the cattle and herb for the service of man Psalms 104 14 Rastas smoke herb to meditate It symbolizes the burning bush and for his curative properties ie asthma Herb can be eaten or infused His seeds are very nutrious Lion symbol of Haile Selassie I Unification movement Founded by Sun Myung Moon in 1954 Sun Myung Moon and his second wife Hak Ja Han believe they are the messiah and true parents of human kind In a vision Jesus appeared to Sun Myung Moon at age16 and asked him to complete his unfinished mission on earth Their mission was to establish families in which God s love is manifest They teach about a universal God He was to create the kingdom of heaven on earth to bring about universal salvation to all people They read from the Bible but also have a scripture Divine Principle Sun Myung Moon is known for arranging for Mass wedding ceremonies his way of establishing the kingdom of God on earth through these families Mahikari movement Founded in 1959 by Sukui Nushi Sama in Japan Sama believes he is the successor of Buddha and Christ as God s viceroy on earth Teachings Science and medicine are superstitious Healing should be sought by the transmission of universal light bringing peace to ancestral spirits spread divine civilization throughout the world 3 Offshoots of Older religions E g The Mormon Church former Church of Jesus of Later Day Saints Founded by Joseph Smith Differs from Christianity because it accepts both the bible and the book of the Mormon as sacred scriptures Other groups developed at his death E g one led by Brigham Young that settled in Salt Lake City Utah where they sought to build Zion in the Wilderness to restore true Christianity Consider other Christians apostacy those who abandoned true principles 4 Syncretic religions Syncretism A process of intermingling beliefs and practices from

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