UGA BIOL 1108 - Ecology: the Biosphere

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01 23 4 561 7 8 9 17 92 22 9 0 A B C6 4 D Zonation in a lake Littoral zone Limnetic zone Photic zone Pelagic zone Benthic zone Aphotic zone 52 E9 4 E912CF G EH 927HIH 2 J I4 G 4 KL 3 H 4 1H GGGNH I2P N C 3 H 4 1H 9NG1O13 1EN C M G 2HI 4 E912C2 4 E7B H H 14 9B14 9C 9H2K D Q91H E R2 31 01 23 4 561 7 8 9 17 92 E R2 6S 7B 2 Q9 42HE9 G G 2HI 4 E912C2 19 4 E7 9 H H 14 9B14 9C 9H2 Q9 42HE9 H 19TI 9 U E61 7 9 17 92 9 H 19 2 2I E2 H 12H416I7 9 U 23 1 2 8 921 4 21C1 E417 2 E9 1V 4 9 2 EC 9 H 44 2H41E E9 EWIE7 61 C 2 01 23 4 561 7 8 9 17 92 X U4 C H Y4 OF 1O 2 Z C E9 2 ZH 2HI D Global ecology H 9 2 H 6 2HI 1 EH 1V 4 9H B 2 Landscape ecology Ecosystem ecology Community ecology Population ecology Organism ecology P 19O 1O E 2 1 972H M EH EV H2 23 1 2R 12H416I7 92 E9 E6I9 E9 2 6E K 592G 4 H U G19 WI 27 92 G1H I4 4 I3 Space Clumps groups M EH 12 uniform 23 1 2 random 23 1 2 area G 2 23 1 2 12H416I7 9 E9 E6I9 E9 BE4 E K G 2 23 1 2 12H416I7 9 E9 E6I9 E9 B 4 6E K 5C 41 E9 014 2 AIC6 4 U 3 1 2 AIC6 4 U 3 1 2 E7HI BE7 9 ZC AIC6 4 U 3 1 2 M EH UE H 42 E4 9H416I79 H H 2 23 1 2 12H416I7 9 3Eb 492K 0EH2 19 a 4I IH 5U41 E9 M a E9H2 599IE 34 131HE7 9 ZCC P 01 C 2 E4 E2 U H E4H E4E H 41c 6 21C1 E4 3 E9H CCI917 2 E9 3 21 E 9B14 9C 9H2 Biomes vary in the average seasonal patterns of temperature and precipitation they experience D What is the difference between climate and weather 012 34 567801 4 P G G d3 E19 1B 42 61 C 2K M EH 41B 2 E4H R2 1CEH K N Solar radiation DN Eaths position relative to the sun tilt rotation revolution eN Atmospheric gases H2O CO2 CH4 N2O O3 5B 4E 2 E4 4E 1E7 9 M 1 CE3 31 H2 G19H 4 19 H A 4H 49 C123 4 K 9 4 4 9 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 E2 9E 3Eb 492 19 2 E4 4E 1E7 9 f E4H R2 19 19E7 9 ZE D NP 7 H EI2 2 2 E2 9E E9 2 19 H E7HI G 4 2 E4 193IH 12 C 2H 19H 92 3419 WI19 d M19H 4 2 27 a EO 4E 1E7 9 9 WIEH 4 hE4 D i D a EO 4E 1E7 9 2 IH U WIEH 4 I9 ICC 4 2 27 a EO 4E 1E7 9 9 4H U WIEH 4 jI9 D A H V H gE WI19 d 3 D a EO 4E 1E7 9 9 WIEH 4 kE41 2 6 HG 9 4 31 U 8E9 4 l 8E341 49 E7HI 19E 193IH2 U 2 E4 4E 1E7 9 04 4 mE9O 2 E4 19H 921H Z4E 1E7 9 E4 E U4 C 4 EH 2H H G 2H E 5 n 0 n i 6 i n 0 n 5 in 5 n 0 io5o0 2 H 12 G19H 4 4 2ICC 4 D 19 Y 4 1EK Figure 52 3b 66 5 N Arctic Circle Westerlies NE ZO 30 N 30 N ID AR 60 N Northeast trades Descending dry air absorbs moisture Ascending moist air releases moisture 0 Southeast trades 30 S Westerlies 0 60 S 66 5 S Antarctic Circle Global air circulation and precipitation patterns D Figure 52 6 Leeward side of mountains Air flow Mountain range Ocean DD Figure 52 5 Labrador Current California Current 30 N Gulf Stream North Pacific Subtropical Gyre North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Equator Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre 30 S South Pacific Subtropical Gyre South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Antarctic Circumpolar Current D Figure 52 9 30 N Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn 30 S Tropical forest Savanna Desert Chaparral Temperate grassland Temperate broadleaf forest Northern coniferous forest Tundra High mountains Polar ice D D Figure 52 15 30 N Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn 30 S Oceanic pelagic and benthic zones Intertidal zones Estuaries Coral reefs Rivers Lakes DP H 4F GE4C E9 GEH 4 19 H H4 31 2 E9 GEH 4 U4 C H 9 4H 49 E7HI 2 EI2 G 1 U H U G19 K E 6E 4E19UE 3Eb 492 6 14 I E4 T G U E9 I44 9H2 6E H4E G19 2 E4 E9 2 19 E2HE 1CEH D 01 23 4 561 7 8 9 17 92 E R2 6S 7B 2 Q9 42HE9 G G 2HI 4 E912C2 19 4 E7 9 H H 14 9B14 9C 9H2 8 921 4 H 19TI 9 U E61 7 9 17 92 9 H 19 2 2I E2 H 12H416I7 9 U 23 1 2 8 921 4 21C1 E417 2 E9 1V 4 9 2 EC 9 H 44 2H41E E9 EWIE7 61 C 2 19O E6 IH M EHR2 C 4 1C3 4HE9H H E9 4 E912CF E 4 6E 9B14 9C 9HE UE H 42K D

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UGA BIOL 1108 - Ecology: the Biosphere

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