UT Knoxville PBRL 270 - Radio, Television and the Web
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PBRL 270 1st Edition Lecture 24 Outline of Last Lecture I Guest Speaker Outline of Current Lecture I Media Kits II Other Ways to Inform the Media III The Reach of Radio and TV IV Writing for the Radio V Public Service Announcements VI Prepping Speakers Current Lecture I II III IV Media Kits News release s Photos Backgrounders Fact Sheets Bios Other Ways to Inform the Media Can all be disseminated directly by mail email or fax via wire service or placed online Media alert or advisory Feature pitch letter Social media release tweets News conference Video conferences The Reach of Radio and TV Radio reaches 92 of Americans age 12 and over 50 minute average commutes majority of audience in cars Television reaches about 95 of all Americans spend almost double the time on TV per day Must consider audio and visuals Writing for the Radio Written in all caps double spaced Indicate length in seconds These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V VI Rate is 1 line 5 seconds 12 words SHORT sentences shoot for 10 words Make them NEWS to listeners Give it a local angle Make them human relate them to audience Create a vibrant picture Placements everywhere product and issues placements Forms of ANRs Audio News Release Actuality good voice no identification Sound bites Public Service Announcements Use in non profits Unpaid serves public interest Usually from government charitable and civic organizations Write several in various lengths Television PSAs include visuals Prepping Speakers Practice Keep it concise answers no more than 30 seconds Relax increases confidence and credibility NEVER talk off the record Never lie

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UT Knoxville PBRL 270 - Radio, Television and the Web

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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