TEL T 205 1st Edition Lecture 18 The One With The Sex 1 Sex and Media a Primary public concern i Most of policy and regulation is focused in this area because this is what parents are most troubled by ii Public concern in the wrong place 1 Why concerned a Behavioral concern starting sex at an earlier age leading to unplaneed consequences such as pregnancy teen parenthood or STI s b Where do children learn about Sex i Debate Schools or Parents ii Children learn the most from the media 1 What are the sexual norms a Common practices and expectations iii Sex Ed Teaches how is all works as well as pregnancy and STI s 1 Does not speak about the social norms of sex iv Parents Majority do not have this speech with their child 2 Sexual Content a Has changed overtime b Types of portrayals i Focused on non pornographic entertainment 1 Sex is generally glamorized a More frequently multiple partners more casual or sex with acquaintances and few consequences b People tend to be extremely attractive and more romanticized very experienced c Most of the portrayals are not visual or explicit sex acts most common in the form of discussion d New Girl Bangsgiving 3 Effects of Viewing Sexual Content a Imagery vs Ideas i Imagery has very little actual impact ii Nudity has almost no impact on behavior iii Ideas matter a lot because you gain more information 1 Influence expectations and the social norms of sex b Cognitive we learn certain ideas that are very different from reality These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Our perceptions become very different from what people are actually engaged in ii College students think it is happening in a more frequent way c Attitudinal i Societal Norms what s expected what I should expect from others 1 Variety in media that is not present in real life 2 Self evaluation we become more dissatisfied with our own sex life then dissatisfied with our partners performance a Less attractive and less skilled than what we see in the media d Behavioral i Disinhibition sexual impulses are primitive and automatic 1 We learn to inhibit these impulses as we get older a If expectations and norms are shifted than we become more likely to act on them 4 Ways to Mitigate these Effects a Current focus of regulation imagery b Focus needs to be on ideas norms that get spread i Importance on information c Solution distributing accurate information give them the right norms i This is what Sex Ed could be 1 This is how different age groups are engaging in sexual acts ii If you don t give them accurate information than they are just going to get it anyways from the media this information will be wrong 5 Media Health a As a source of information i Through Advertising Works 1 Cigarettes 2 Alcohol 3 Food 4 Advertising products with adverse health effects 5 Ability to change perceived tastes a Exposure to ads show to change people s taste happens w alcohol i Mental perception 6 Prescription drugs
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