GEOG 111 1st Edition Lecture 34 Outline of Last Lecture I Thunderstorms cont d II Review for exam Outline of Current Lecture I Most missed from exam 3 II Lake effect snowstorm Current Lecture Most missed from exam 3 5 Small rain droplets are strongly associated with a stable atmosphere and weak uplif 6 Rime icing occurs in which of the following temperature ranges Between 0 and 10 C 14 Suppose it is snowing heavily in CH and winds are coming from the east What type of precipitation region is present Assume that a cyclone is centered southwest of the area Overrunning precipitation 26 Which of the following conditions promote the occurrence of hail Both 1 and 3 very strong updrafs and a low freezing level 32 Wind direction at location 2 South 33 Wind direction at location 1 North I Lake effect snowstorm currently in the Buffalo area a Looking at map i Modified arctic high in Gulf States ii Fairly low pressure in Northwest Canada iii Strong pressure gradient strong winds in Great Lakes area iv Winds are blowing from Southwest over the lake 1 Very cold air blowing over warm water a Tremendous gradient b Evaporation contributes to latent heat flux c Layer of air that s more moist and warm i Lake is destabilizing the atmosphere until it reaches the capping inversion These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute v Moisture fluxes and heat fluxes are much greater b Air is convecting up pretty far which can result in thunderstorms
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