TEL T205 1st Edition Children and Prosocial Effects Lecture 14 1 Sesame Street the longest running TV program of any kind a 1950 s 1960 s U S had the uprising of preschools b Public school K 12 was free however preschool cost a lot of money i Middle and Lower class did not have access to preschool ii However the skills taught in preschool worked to better prepare children for Kindergarten iii Gave children confidence in learning and they tended to like school more iv Preschools was reserved for the elites and increased the knowledge gap between the haves and the havenots c Sesame Street was created as an alternative to preschool to fill the void in the knowledge gap i Target audience was 3 4 year olds ii It worked incredible well d Exposure i Had to be something that kids wanted to watch sesame street mastered this e Effects i Kids who viewed sesame street pick up pre reading and math skills did better in Kindergarten ii Skills built on each other kids then did better in grade school middle school high school 1 These children also tended to take harder classes more leisure reading 2 More likely to go to college and graduate college iii Moderator of effects parents are an important part 1 If parents watch the show with kids then the child s benefits are enhanced These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute a Scaffaling build on top of each other providing loose structure to assist children in learning b Sesame Street works hard to appeal to parents 2 Media Violence For all ages a Content b Public Debate disconnect from scientific evidence i Tend to happen after a national crisis ii Usually related to gun control c Side 1 exposure to media violence is causing kids to kill each other or mass murder i School shootings are news worthy because they are rare events 1 Making them the exception ii This is not the violence we are concerned about iii Debate revolves around media violence as a primary reason for Violence 1 False many factors go into aggression d Side 2 media violence has not impact i Fundamental misunderstanding of concern ii Media violence accumulative association exposure overtime may cause aggression in a certain situation iii Long term process not good at attributing cause iv Argument violent media increases and violent action or crimes decreases 1 Problem with argument assumes media violence is the one factor or cause of human aggression e The scientific consensus disconnect with the public belief 1 not the main or only cause BUT exposure to media violence increases the likelihood of aggression 2 Why Disconnect a The way research is reported influences public perception due to the importance of brevity it leads to easy reports does it or does it not cause b Maintain objectivity leads to disproportionate news coverage f Accumulation of Evidence i Build to create a body of knowledge 1 Surveys 2 Longitudinal Studies 3 Laboratory experiments 4 Field experiments 5 Risk resilience model a A lot of factors including risk resilience factors that are present or absent b Risk factors increase the likelihood of media violence effecting aggressive behavior i Genetics violent household violent school c Studies that isolate certain factors to see how much each factors have an effects d We do what we can to control factors leading to scapegoat the media because this is a risk factor that can be controlled g A Model Of Human Aggression i behavior with an intent to harm 1 Start as an external act 2 Decide an intent of the act a Provocation violence still a possible outcome b Not Provocation violence not an outcome 3 Provocation Generation of choice and response a Violence response possible violent outcome b Non violent response no violent outcome 4 Evaluation of Choice if the choice was violent response a Appropriate leads to act violently b Not appropriate no violent act 5 Aggression occurs ii Violent behavior peaks at the age of 2 1 1 out of 3 interactions end in violence a Lack of perceptual skills i Violence is innate and primitive b Are not going to evaluate their choices
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