ANSC 210 1nd Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Previous Lecture I II III IV V VI Population Trends Animal Behavior Animal Behavior and Veterinary Medicine Looking at Animal Behavior Beaver Approach to Animal Behavior i Historical ii Neurological and sense iii Communication iv Social v Sexual vi Ingestive vii Eliminative viii Locomotive ix Grooming Questions Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI Population Control Unwanted Animal Problems a Public health i Bites ii Zoonoses b Safety c Unregulated pregnancies Overpopulation of Feral Cats Population Control Companion Animal Health Recommended Vaccinations Current Lecture I Population Control a Spay and neuter all animals that are adopted from shelters b Encourage spay and neuter of all other animals i Programs to reduce the cost These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c Develop non surgical sterilization techniques II Contraception a Suprelorin and Gonazon gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist implants works for about one year b Canine GNRH vaccine works 2 5 years c Neutersol intratesticular injection of zinc Approved 3 10 month old pups d Androgen injections suppresses estrous cycles III Unwanted Animal Problems a Public health i Bites 1 5 million cases per year 2 30 000 postal workers 3 Larger than 90 of cases are dogs 4 1 million bite cases require medical treatment 5 The cases add up to 100 000 000 6 Bite victims are anxious 7 Bite victims are worried about rabies 8 Bite victims usually don t look at natural dog behavior ii Zoonoses 1 Rabies 2 Roundworms 3 Hookworms 4 Toxoplasmosis 5 Fleas 6 Ticks 7 Ringworm 8 Lyme disease 9 Cat scratch fever b Safety i Animals on highways ii Carcasses on highways iii Free roaming dogs and cats can infect pets c Unregulated pregnancies IV Overpopulation of Feral Cats a 6 million cats in USA b 1 5 million cats in Great Britain c Significant source of cat disease d To control numbers i Trap neuter and release 1 They go back to their own territory 2 They prevent other animals from coming in 3 Other animals do not come in and other breeding animals do not move in ii Dr Slate in the Integrative Bioscience Dept promoted a trap vasectomize and release program 1 They go back to territory 2 They breed with animals 3 Queens go out of heat and no kittens e Rural cats kill 39 million birds every year V Population Control a Euthanasia i Good or easy death from Greek ii A kind alternative iii Must be done by well trained professionals iv Dignified and humane v Current solution for the unwanted animal problem vi Most euthanasias are injectable b 3 4 million animals euthanized every year VI Animal Rescue Organizations a Horse sanctuaries i Important because of new regulations ii Keeping horses and euthanizing horses are both very costly iii American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act VII Companion Animal Health a Vaccinations of dogs and cats i Very important ii Preventative medicine is the most cost effective performed b Immunity i The ability to resist infection ii Three tyoes 1 Natural immunity a Refers to species differences b Certain species cannot get certain illnesses 2 Passive immunity a Colostrum b Antibodies from one animal to another 3 Active immunity a When animal is exposed to the disease antibodies are produced b Vaccinations VIII Recommended vaccinations a Common diseases b They need a high rate of morbidity and or mortality c Effective in preventing diseases and they have to be safe d Dog vaccines i Modified live distemper adenovirus 2 ii Parvovirus at 6 8 weeks 10 12 weeks 16 weeks iii Repeated at 1 year
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