ECU RELI 1000 - Issues In The Church In The West

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RELI 1000 Lecture 12 Issues in the Church in the West o The Claims to Primacy by the Roman Bishop The Church in the West The Roman Catholic Church was organized under bishops The Bishop of Rome was later elevated to Pope Eastern Orthodox church was excommunicated Eastern Orthodox Church remained organized under bishops Patriarchs Protestantism o Emerged during the 15th century reformation period o Criticized the Roman Catholic teachings and practices Fundraising activities the selling of the relics Indulgences Remission of the punishment for sin by the clergy in return for services or payment 1 Purchase of freedom from purgatory The church taught that one could earn spiritual merit by donating to the church 2 Relationship between the church and state a Church in Constantinople became aligned almost identified with the state under Constantine b The Church in Rome was not 3 Doctrinal differences often cultural and attitude a Eastern church insisted in continuing the Greek tradition b Arguments about the nature of Jesus was he fully God or human c Eastern church observed Easter according to the Jewish calendar after Passover d Western Christians observed resurrection day on the Sunday after Passover e Use of icons during worship Major Agents of Change o Martin Luther 1483 1546 A monk priest Professor of Biblical studies at the University of Wittenberg taught Salvation by the grace of God alone through repentance and faith based on Jesus teachings Salvation to sinners in spite of their sin Critiqued the Catholic teachings on indulgences and the idea of the purgatory o In 1517 he posted 99 theses on the door of the church citing errors in the Catholic teachings o He was excommunicated on June 15 1520 by the Papal Bull a decree o He moved to Germany with supporters o Attempts to reconcile the church with him failed Ulrich Zwingli o A Swiss priest who rejected Catholic practices not mentioned in the Bible Abstaining from meat during lent veneration of relics and saints religious pilgrimages celibacy for monks and priests masses for the dead These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Like Luther he taught that the Lord s Supper is celebrated as a memorial of Jesus sacrifice John Calvin o Shared reform principles Salvation by faith alone Exclusive authority of the Bible The priesthood of believers o He taught Predestination God has already decided the destiny of each person hence actions cannot bring about salvation o By grace some are saved and others are predestined not to be saved o 3 signs of salvation are 1 An upright lifestyle 2 Profession of faith 3 Participation in the sacrament John Wesley United Methodist Church o John Wesley 1703 1791 founder of Methodism o He organized Methodist societies within the Church of England in order to renew the spiritual life of the people o Some members withdrew from the Mother Church and organized their Methodist churches that exist today Schism in Islam o Islam Sunni Shia o Sunnis Traditionalists o Prophet Muhammad died without appointing a successor o Khalifs should be elected and should be people of the sunnah the sayings and practices of the prophet as collected under the Sunni caliphs o Recognize the authority of the Qur an Hadith and Sunnah o Recognize the first four Caliph Abu Bakr Umar Uthman and Ali as rightly guided Shia o They are devoted to the memory of Muhammad s close relatives Ali Fatima the prophet s daughter and their sons Hassan and Husayn o The Prophet appointed a successor o Ali Abu Talib was the rightful original successor of the Prophet o Believe that spiritual power baraka was passed on to Ali and the caliph office o They respect the four rightly guided caliphs Schism within Buddhism o Internal strife Monks criticized for accepting donations of gold and silver A council of Vaishali was held forbidding this act o Levels and ability of attaining perfections Division led to emergence of three main sects Theravada Mahayana and Vajrayanai Theravada The Way of the Elders o Conservative Orthodox traditional Buddhism Buddha is a historical figure who no longer exists He only left Dharma as a guide Believe in the 4 Noble truths eightfold path and teachings about karma and Nirvana Rejects any scripture other than the Tripitaka Consider early Pali Canon as authoritative Honors the life of renunciation and meditation Prevalent in Southeast Asia Sri Lanka Myanmar Burma Thailand Cambodia and Laos Mahayana The Greater vehicle o Innovation in Buddhism to accommodate all people o Like Theravada they honor the main teachings 4 Noble truths Eightfold paths the Pali Canon o Believe in the manifestation of Buddha principle o Lotus Sutra scripture teaches All previous doctrine are temporary provisional and expedient a step to a more better understanding o All humans beings are capable of attaining Buddhahood o Strive to become a Bodthisattva one who s dedicated to attaining enlightenment o They venerate Buddha Stupas o Make pilgrimage to relics to earn Karmic merit Vjarayanai Indestructible Way of Unity o Tibetan Buddhism became the national religion under King Songtsan of Tibet o The third vehicle diamond vehicle a speeded up path to enlightenment by way of Trantric yoga Tantric as they envision cosmic reality as the interplay of male and female forces that can benefit us o Often meditate on various sacred yoga chants e g Mahakala a god that defends Dharma Monasticism o Early desert hermits introduced spirituality that rejects the worldly compromise o Seeks to live a disciplined life of poverty in their focus on God the sacred o Found in all religions Islam Christianity Judaism Buddhism Hinduism

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ECU RELI 1000 - Issues In The Church In The West

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