Chapter 3 Social Self Part 2 Feb 2 2012 Self esteem Positive and negative evaluations of ourselves What purposes are served by SE 1 2 Correlations w self esteem Contributors to Self Esteem Self discrepancy theory What is compared We differ in degree of self awareness How does it affect our behaviors Halloween study kids and free candy Results Self regulation Baumeister s research on limits of self control It requires lots of cognitive resources Self control is a limited resource Link to glucose What are Baumeister s research results How to re energize our self control 1 2 Boosting self concepts Our tendency to overestimate our abilities may serve a purpose related to self concept implicit egotism Self serving cognitions 1 Take credit for successes Self serving cognitions cont 2 Self handicapping What is its purpose 3 Identifying with groups and BIRGing we won versus they lost 4 Downward social comparisons How do these work and why Example sibling rivalry Self presentation We may overestimate extent to which others are focus on us spotlight effect 2 motives of self presentation Strategic self presentation and self verification Strategic self presentation Strategies Possible link with unsafe behaviors Self verification Attempt to increase overlap between selfperceptions how others see us Negative traits Swann s research with whom do we associate How does this work in romantic relationships Self monitoring Individual difference in how well we can regulate our own behavior in response to others reactions How do high vs low self monitors behave Links between self monitoring and age
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