UNT HIST 2620 - World War I
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Hitler II World War I III Accidental War IV Archduke Franz Ferdinand Outline of Current Lecture II Schlieffen Plan III Battle of Marne IV Russian Revolution Current Lecture Schlieffen Plan the plan was to attack France before Russia started to move their army near the German border they believed it would take six weeks to execute the plan and before the Russians would be prepared wanted to fight the French first because the Russians were 100 years behind on everything that could help them win any battle so they wanted to fight their ally first assuming they have defeated the French they would move their troops to Russia for another defeat to get to France the Germans had to go through Belgium who wouldn t let them through without a fight Two problems the battle in Belgium delayed them to finish their battle with the French in six weeks and since they had to fight an unexpected battle against Belgium they would have less troops going to Russia Battle of Marne first battle the French fought with the Germans the commander of the French army Joseph Joffre decided to attack the Germans rather than waiting for them to come after miscommunication on the German end they decided to retreat and withdraw to an area near the River Aisne These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute the French won the war Trench Warfare form of land warfare using occupied fighting lines consisting of trenches in which troops are protected from the enemy s small arms fire and are sheltered from artillery Stalemate it refers to the trench warfare which consisted of miles of trenches cut into the earth which were supported by machine guns and artillery If either side tried to move forward they would be mowed down by the machine guns So many people had to die to take a few feet of ground that it was considered a stalemate Russian Revolution March 1917 strikes food strikes Lenin exiled out of Russia to Germany Russia wasn t prepared for war but was still sent to the front line a government was put together that was a democratic overthrown by the Bolsheviks promised peace to army land to the peasants factory ownership to the workers Russia had separate peace from central powers

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UNT HIST 2620 - World War I

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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