UNT HIST 2620 - Hitler
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Lecture 15 Outline of Last Lecture I Women s Suffrage Outline of Current Lecture II Hitler III World War I IV Accidental War V Archduke Franz Ferdinand Current Lecture Hitler parents died early in his life homeless was interested in architecture and art he moves to Germany to escape the Austrian draf he joins the German military during World War I Germany surrenders he gets injured by his own army and goes to the hospital he believed that politicians were not loyal to the soldiers he became a social revolutionary leader because of his charisma he had great speaking skills and did well at getting citizens to follow him WWI gave him the experience to use during WWII World War I 9 million were found dead 7 million were crippled this war cause the Russian Revolution four empires collapsed Russian German Austrian and Hungarian Ottoman Turkey Anti Colonial revolts created uprising within enemy s countries Great Depression afer WWI suffering for the whole world U S becomes the largest creditor nation we held the allies money this ended in the 1980s Flu epidemic killed 20 50 million people U S reason for getting involved was to make the world a safe democracy Accidental War These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute the war didn t need to happen na ve leaders and citizens miscommunication Ambiguous war Ferdinand assassination caused the war Transformative war to modernity many countries updated their military uniforms weapons morals were lost everyone was attacking each other Archduke Franz Ferdinand June 28 1914 assassination date heir to Austrian military time of period when different ethnic groups were competing for nationalism goes to a parade and a bomb is thrown in his car he escapes it has lunch with the mayor who hosted the parade leaves to go to the hospital to check on his men who were injured Gavrilo Princip Bosnian nationalist worked for Black Hand run by Serbia assassinated Franz as punishment the Austrian empire threatens Serbia Russia allies with Serbia Germany allies with Austria British allies with France with all of the allies getting ready to defend other countries it caused all of these empires to mobilize their armies

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UNT HIST 2620 - Hitler

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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