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Alkenes Alkenes Alkenes Double bonds Alkynes Triple bonds Alkynes Triple bonds Alkynes Triple bonds Alkenes Cis Trans Alkenes Cis Trans Isomers Is this isomer cis or trans Or not either Alkenes Cis Trans Isomers Is this isomer cis or trans Or not either Alkenes Cis Trans Isomers Is this isomer cis or trans Or not either Cis Trans Isomers and Vision Identify some cis and trans bonds Cis Trans Isomers and Vision Identify some cis and trans bonds Cis Trans Isomers and Vision Identify some cis and trans bonds Cis Trans Isomers and Vision Isomerization of cis trans bonds Cis Trans Isomers and Vision Isomerization of cis trans bonds Cis retinal to trans retinal creates vision Rapid movements of the t retinal are transferred to protein to lipid membrane and nerve cells to which it is attached Aromatic Compounds Structures for cyclohexane cyclohexene 1 3 cyclohexadiene and benzene Aromatic Compounds Aromatic Compounds Aromatic Compounds Aromatic Compounds Aromatic Compounds

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Alkenes

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 22
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