JN 311 1nd Edition Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture I Chapter 5 Outline of Current Lecture II Chapter 8 9 10 Current Lecture The Writing Process 4CS Conceive What s interesting important newsworthy main point Collect Gather information from sources Collect anecdotes that illustrate focus Verify names and spellings Construct Find the focus Plan an order Correct A great point read aloud Feature Writing When are features used Use same style techniques mechanics as straight news writing For the most part the reporting is the same Sometimes more detailed More attention to scenes visuals Typically takes more time with each source and at each location Virtually impossible to do by phone or by email Reporting for Features Look for a good angle or theme Theme is the literary device that unites the story Make people see your story Ask questions to elicit detail Descriptive Techniques Avoid adjectives show don t tell Use analogies These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Limit physical descriptions of people Avoid sexist racist descriptions Show people in action Planning the Order Look at a variety of points Whats most newsworthy or interesting to your audience Topics Main theme Highlights Sources Try to write a headline Transitions These keep the middle moving Use cause and effect Insert a statement introducing the speaker blocking sources Repetition of key words Stitching Time phrases Making the Middle Move Parallel sentence structure Vary the pace Lists Use dialogue DBI boring but important information
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