UNT HIST 2620 - Progressivism
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Spanish American War II Panama Canal Outline of Current Lecture II Event Leading to Progressivism III Theodore Roosevelt IV Progressivism Current Lecture Event Leading To Progressivism in 1901 Leon Czlogosz assassinates President Mckinley gave a speech in Buffalo Ny about how great it was to work in the U S Leon was an anarchist a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government who didn t approve the topic of Mckinley s speech after shaking his hand he shoots him Theodore Roosevelt Republicans didn t want him to have a position with political control so they decided to have him as the VP he was a sickly person age 23 he was elected to be in NY Senate after his mother and wife died on the same day he goes to the west because of his depression once he returns back to NY he becomes police commissioner and assistant secretary for the Navy becomes a war hero during Spanish American War Environmentalist president he believed the environment should be well taken care so we can exploit it and be used to better the economy he in the term bully pulpit meaning an important public position that allows a person to express beliefs and opinions to many people during his presidency is when the birth of progressivism started These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Progressivism college educated upper classman were pushing for this movement they wanted to accomplish their version of the American dream the goal was to help Americans achieve the American dream did not apply to everyone believed that the government should fix things when some issues aroused in American society it was the gov s responsibility four things that were created during this time progressive income tax inheritance tax national banking system and government regulation John Dewey educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform considered two fundamental elements schools and civil society as being major topics needing attention and reconstruction to encourage experimental intelligence and plurality thought classes such as sex ed and health classes should be given to students so that they could help them throughout life Consequences Prostitution red light districts were available in cities houses run by older women who were familiar with the business today it exists but the houses were shut down which made the women move to the streets the women are controlled by men Elimination of Minority Candidates city counsels and other positions were expanded to be responsible for bigger areas made it difficult for minorities to have a position in office unless the areas consisted of minorities Regulation hurts small businesses Example Upton Sinclair s book The Jungle is about the working class poverty the absence of social programs harsh and unpleasant living and working conditions aftermath was Congress passed laws to the regulation of the meat we eat larger companies insisted that the Congress regulate them and they ll pay for it they passed laws to regulate the larger meat corporations this put small businesses in trouble because they couldn t afford to have their meat inspected or ask for laws that catered to them Why Progressivism the assassination of Mckinely was the event that led to this movement Muckrakers Yellow Journalism creating dramatic stories Social Gospel inspired by religion goodness of Christianity must be put forth to government what would Jesus do Margaret Sanger founder of Birth control she pushed very hard for this to move forward she was jailed because of the Comstock Act she fled to Europe to push this movement she was a racist ideology the reason for this was because she thought African American should not have many children she thought America was having too many blacks

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UNT HIST 2620 - Progressivism

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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