Chapter 9 Attraction Part 4 Nov 7 2011 Theories of Love Passionate v Companionate Love Companionate love feelings of intimacy and affection not accompanied by passion Role of self disclosure What are 3 patterns Passionate love intense longing emotional rollercoaster Role of excitation transfer in passion Bridge study How do companionate passionate love change over time Sexual Orientation Research Around 3 4 in most countries that have been surveyed report exclusive homosexuality Distinction betw exclusive orientation and behavior Various theories of the origin of sexual orientations Impact of family history background experiences Biological evidence Links between attraction research for homosexuals and heterosexuals Marriage Divorce In U S Canada approx 40 divorce rate Communication patterns in marriages Negative affect reciprocity what is it Demand withdraw pattern Attributional differences Predictors of divorce Satisfaction post divorce Men are from Mars Women are from Venus video 6 couples describe their relationships Today see couples post workshop Notice What are some themes you consistently hear from the women From the men Did John Gray s communication workshop seem to help
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