ELMHURST CHM 103 - Alkene Reactions
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 17

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Alkene Reactions Addition Reactions only one product 1 Hydrogenation H2 Alkene Hydrogen Alkane 2 Halogenation X2 Alkene diatomic halogen Dihaloalkane 3 Halgenation HX Alkene HX Haloalkane 4 Hydration HOH Alkene HOH alcohol 5 Polymerization Many alkenes add together into a long alkane chain Alkene Reactions 1 Hydrogenation Reaction Alkene Hydrogen Alkane Hydrogen molecule adds to carbons with double bond H3C H C CH2 H2 H3C H3C H C C H H H H H2 C CH3 H H3C C H H C H H Alkene Reactions Alkene Reactions 2 Halogenation Reaction Alkene Halogen Dihaloalkane Halogen molecule adds to carbons with double bond H3C H C Br CH2 CH CH2 Br2 H3C H3C H C C H Br Br Br H H H3C C Br H C Br H Alkene Reactions Unsymmetrical Addition Reactions Markovnikov s Rule For double bonds that have unequal numbers of hydrogen atoms attached For unsymmetrical reactants such as HX and HOH The hydrogen of the reactant goes to the carbon of the double bond that already has the most hydrogen atoms the rich get richer The X or the OH go the other carbon the one with the least amount of hydrogen 3 Halogenation Reaction Alkene HX haloalkane HCl molecule adds to carbons with double bond H3C H3C H C CH2 CH CH3 HCl H3C Cl H C C H H Cl H Mark s Rule H H3C C Cl H C H H Alkene Reactions 4 Hydration Reaction Alkene HOH alcohol HOH molecule adds to carbons with double bond H3C H3C H C CH2 CH CH3 HOH H3C H C HO C H H HO H Mark s Rule H H3C C H C OH H H Alkene Reactions 5 Polymerization Reaction Alkene Alkene Alkene long chain of carbons Double bonds convert to single bonds H H H H H H C C H C H C H C C H H H H C H C H H H C H H C H H C H H H C H H H C C H C H H H H C H H H C C H C H2 H2 C C H2 H2 C C H2 H2 C Alkene Reactions What is the structure for Alkene Reactions Alkene Reactions Alkene Reactions

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Alkene Reactions

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 17
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