ELMHURST CHM 103 - Disaccharides
School name Elmhurst College
Course Chm 103-
Pages 28

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Disaccharides Disaccharides Disaccharides Maltose Glucose glucose alpha acetal linkage Lactose Lactose Galactose glucose beta acetal linkage Sucrose Sucrose Glucose fructose alpha acetal linkage Sucrose Polysaccharides Polysaccharides Starch and amylopectin Alpha acetal linkage Starch and amylopectin Alpha acetal linkage Starch and amylopectin Alpha acetal linkage Cellulose Beta acetal linkages Plant structures Cellulose Beta acetal linkages Plant structures Glycogen Alpha acetal linkages mammal storage form Blood Glucose Test Oxidation of aldehyde acid Starch Iodine Test Iodine goes into the spiral of starch Sugar and Tooth Decay Bacteria hydrolyze sucrose to fructose and polymerize the glucose to stick to enamel High Fructose Corn Syrup Starch hydrolyzed glucose isomerized to fructose High Fructose Corn Syrup Starch hydrolyzed glucose isomerized to fructose Sugar and Sweetners Aspartame Synthesis Ester and Amide Sugar and Sweetners Aspartame and Sweetness Receptor Site Sugar and Sweetners Aspartame and Sweetness Receptor Site Sugar and Sweetners Saccharin or Sweet N Low 1907 Sugar and Sweetners Cyclamate 1970 banned from use caused bladder cancer in rats Sugar and Sweetners Sucralose or Splenda can be used in cooking Sugar and Sweetners Acesulfame K also known as Sunette Sweet One Sweet n Safe

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ELMHURST CHM 103 - Disaccharides

Course: Chm 103-
Pages: 28
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