UNT HIST 2620 - Populism
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HIST 2620 1nd Edition Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Consequences Aftermath II Populist Crusade III Lynching IV Ida B Wells Outline of Current Lecture II Southern Farmer s Alliance III Populist Party IV Election of 1896 Current Lecture Southern Farmer s Alliance farmers formed a group because they were all having issues with the increased interest rates and the debt they individually owed 300 million joined the alliance 1 million African Americans joined the colored farmer s Alliance Charles Macune was the head of the Southern Farmers Alliance pushing to launch the group as an independent political party he united the group to be an independent organization from the Northern Alliance coupled with a program of active expansion Mary Lease known for the quote raise less corn and more hell she toured all over the country and became a prominent women she was hated by both the democrats and republicans Populist Party a revolution they had three main goals they wanted to get rid of farmers debt by high inflationprint a lot of money the government was to reclaim land by absentee landowners the government is to have ownership of all public utilities ex railroads and telephones These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Homestead PA an industrial lockout and strike battle between strikers and private security agents A high fence topped with barbed wire was completed and the plant sealed to the workers major defeat for the union and a setback for efforts to unionize steelworkers Pullman Strike nationwide railroad strike in the United States against the Pullman company when the company laid off workers and lowered wages it did not reduce rents and the workers called for a strike violence broke out in many cities and the strike collapsed Election of 1896 William Jennings Bryan defended the Populist platform Bryan s speaking skills were among the best of his generation known as the Great Commoner Bryan developed a reputation as defender of the farmer Bryan delivered a speech that made his career that demanded the free coinage of silver he is known for the quote You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold after the audience grew loud he received the Democratic nomination McKinley was the republican competitor who stayed out of the public eye and stayed home he had the support of the moneyed eastern establishment Marc Hanna was determined to see McKinley elected he believed that the free coinage of silver would bring financial ruin to America Hanna directed a campaign based on fear of a Bryan victory McKinley campaigned from his home leaving the politicking for the party hacks Bryan revolutionized campaign politics by making twenty to thirty speeches per day McKinley had beaten Bryan by an electoral vote margin of 271 to 176

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UNT HIST 2620 - Populism

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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