UA NHM 101 - Secretions of Digestion
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NHM 101 1nd Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Nutrition Calculations II Planning a healthy diet Outline of Current Lecture III Secretions of digestion Current Lecture Secretions of digestion are required from 5 different organs o Salivary glands o Stomach o Pancreas o Gallbladder o Small intestine Secretions bring in abundance of water and a variety of enzymes Enzymes are proteins that facilitate chemical reaction Identified by organ they come from and nutrient they break down Enzyme in digestion facilitate hydrolysis Hydrolysis is the addition of water to break down molecules into smaller pieces ENZYMES ARE PROTEINS Salivary Glands o pH 7 or slightly more acidic o squirt just enough saliva to moisten food o saliva contains water salts mucus and enzymes o initiates carbohydrate digestion Stomach Gastric Juices o Gastric glands secrete gastric juices o Gastric juices contain water enzymes and hydrochloric acid o Stomach contents are highly acidic pH 2 o Stomach walls protects itself from acid juices by secreting mucus Small intestine o Pancreatic juice enters into digestive process in duodenum o Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that act on all three macronutrients These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Contains sodium bicarbonate which helps to neutralize the chyme that has entered from stomach o Chyme remains natural or slightly basic from here forward o Small intestines are the main point for digestion o Bile also enters into digestive process in duodenum o Liver continuously produces bile and it is stored in gallbladder o Bile is emulsifier digest fat or lipids not enzyme o Cells of intestinal wall also have digestive enzymes

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