UNT HIST 2620 - The U.S. in 1877
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HIST 2620 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I American Culture II American Sense of Mission a The Puritans b Secularization Outline of Current Lecture II Continuing secularization III American Imperialism a 19th Century b Continental Empire c American Imperialism an Implicit policy Current Lecture More examples of secularization Sarah Palin Republican vice president candidate in 2008 election widely criticized for being an expert on Russia because according to her she lived in Alaska therefore she was closer to them she firmly believed Ronald Reagan came up with the idea of City upon a Hill John McCain Republican candidate who elected Sarah Palin for vice president position He believed Reagan came up with the quote because he claims he was there when Reagan recited the quote Why are getting their facts wrong Thomas Paine is known for the quote they tell us what we want to hear over time it is a concept we have bought therefore we believe it they want to get elected and stay in the political world American Imperialism we have acted as an empire from the beginning it is how other nations see us Imperialism the policy or practice of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining direct control over the political or economic life of other areas th 19 Century These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute they didn t talk about America being an empire like the Europeans the U S has always been viewed as a impenitent imperialism not expressing regret for sins or offenses Expansionism we had the belief that we as a country we should grow larger Continental Empire 1877 we had already established we were an expanding imperialistic force Rationale for Manifest Destiny Sense of mission Thomas Paine said we must become a nation to lead the world we must build continental empire White man s burden white people were responsible for governing and setting their culture aside from non whites their duty to civilize people Lebensraum space needed for growing families and incoming immigrants Geographical Predestination they believed that we should own surrounding lands around us example Cuba should be ours and not Spain s since it is closer to America Less noble motives Commercial exploitation we wanted wealth and power but they didn t talk about these values because they were not noble Land speculation American Imperialism an Implicit Policy Treaty of Paris 1783 ended American Revolution negotiated our independence demanded everything England claimed for America War of 1812 a war fought for the empire America

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UNT HIST 2620 - The U.S. in 1877

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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